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  1. pr2-eugin

    Convert date to number

    CDbl is the function. ? CDbl(Date()) 42173 ? CDbl(Now()) 42173.6818402778
  2. pr2-eugin

    Elimiate records with dates in the same month

    Thanks spikepl. That worked, I was thinking a bit funny yesterday ! It is all good now. :D
  3. pr2-eugin

    Elimiate records with dates in the same month

    Okay, in simple terms. SELECT all records whose MonthAndYear(StartDate) <> MonthAndYear(EndDate). I am working with MSSQL, so Access' Format might not come in handy. The Period I am running is between 01 May 2015 and 31 May 2015
  4. pr2-eugin

    Elimiate records with dates in the same month

    I am having a fry up day. I am trying to figure out a logical WHERE condition. I have a Query that gives me data, Name | Start | End --------+-----------------+------------- Paul | 30-May-15 | Eugin | 21-May-15 | 28-May-15 Francis | 04-Mar-15 |...
  5. pr2-eugin

    Query Date Format Issue

    So in other words, they are not really Date and Time type but simply Text type. Try casting the text to a proper date format, using the CDate function.
  6. pr2-eugin

    Totals Query - Return Data Set between Two Dates

    So try a HAVING or WHERE clause.
  7. pr2-eugin

    Totals Query - Return Data Set between Two Dates

    I am not following you. It seems to return exactly what you asked for. Maybe not what you wanted. Could you show the SQL?
  8. pr2-eugin

    Check if date is equal to last day of month

    There is one funky way to get the last date of a Month, this will make use of the DateSerial function. Something along the lines of, SELECT theListOfAllFieldsYouWant FROM yourTableName WHERE EndDate = DateSerial(Year(EndDate), Month(EndDate) + 1,0) OR ClosingDate =...
  9. pr2-eugin

    Database form for inventory have issue in multi data insert

    You will need a bit of VBA (Not Recommended). How good are your VBA skills? If you would not want VBA, then you should restructure your DB to achieved this (Recommended)
  10. pr2-eugin

    Creating a query that will merge various fields into one field

    Most Welcome. Good Luck :)
  11. pr2-eugin

    Hello From Mohamed

    Hello Mohamed. Welcome to AWF :)
  12. pr2-eugin

    Checking if a date falls between two dates?

    You can use a TOTALS or a GROUP BY Query. Something like. SELECT Year(yourDateField) As YearNumber, Count(anotherFieldName) As TotalSales FROM yourTable GROUP BY Year(yourDateFieldName)
  13. pr2-eugin

    Excel Export Naming Convention

    It is not Excel formatting, it is Windows Naming conventions. As per the name space convention windows does not allow certain characters to be a part of a file or folder name one of them is /. So the answer to your question Is it possible to do? is No, you cannot. mm-dd-yyyy is possible not...
  14. pr2-eugin

    Creating a query that will merge various fields into one field

    Create a SELECT Query that will get you this information. Something like, SELECT addressLine1 & " " & addressLine2 & " " & addressLine3 & " " & postCode As fullAddress FROM yourTabelName
  15. pr2-eugin

    Need another Pair of eyes - type mismatch error

    What are you SELECTing FROM the Table? Your SQL should be something like SELECT fieldName1, fieldName2, fieldName3 FROM yourTable WHERE someField = 'Some String' AND someNumberField = 10 AND someDateField = #05/31/2015#
  16. pr2-eugin

    Add Column to view that Concatenate 2nd view multiple records

    You could use Functions in SQL could you not? translating the function using the Allen Browne's ConcatRelated should be easy (I guess)? How about this thread?
  17. pr2-eugin

    Need another Pair of eyes - type mismatch error

    You seem to be missing the FROM clause. Then improper use of concatenation.
  18. pr2-eugin

    Get form VBA variables into query where clause

    Explain. Is the Data Type of the column number? Not really :D
  19. pr2-eugin

    Get form VBA variables into query where clause

    Try this, Private Sub Review_Invoice_Click() Dim tmpRS As DAO.Recordset Dim customer2 As Variant Dim PurchaseDate2 As Variant Dim VendorName2 As Variant Dim VendorInvoice2 As Variant customer2 = customer PurchaseDate2 = PurchaseDate VendorName2 = VendorName...
  20. pr2-eugin

    Get form VBA variables into query where clause

    Show the code you actually have used so far.
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