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  1. 1

    dlookup using multiple criteria

    Thanks for your time Minty, I work for a train company where we turn the train wheels on a lathe. As part of the turning process, I need to create a number of reports / forms, that when printed off lathe operators can see wheel serial numbers and last turn wheel sizes for every wheel on the...
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    Sorry for taking a while to get back, but work has been manic! I have attached a slimmed down version of my bd. On front page2 info is entered, a number of queries are then used so in the end text boxes in the 2 reports can be populated. The problem is using the DLookup method, it takes a long...
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    sorry, trying to do 10 things at once at work! Have played about a bit using a different field, shortno" in the query, this now gives what I'm after in a query, just need to make it work using a dlookup SELECT record_sheet3_qry.carid, record_sheet3_qry.wheelposition, record_sheet3_qry.shortno...
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    when I added the criteria got an error message, please see attachment
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    done as requested thanks
  6. 1

    dlookup using multiple criteria

    thanks Minty, have just tried as you suggested, blurt: DLookUp("axleserial","record_sheet3_qry","[carid]='110' AND [wheelposition]='1' AND [EvenOddunits]=1") but still get the data type mismatch error
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    carid and wheelposition are justified to the left and EvenOddunits to the right. Have created a query as you said and it returns a data type mismatch in criteria expression
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    the 3 fields you stated are all expressions. wheelsetposition is an expression in record_sheet3_qry carid and EvenOddunits are expressions in record_sheet2_qry, which record_sheet3_qry is based on. Not sure I understand your suggestion. Have created a new query with a field of axleserial and...
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    dlookup using multiple criteria

    Thanks Minty, I have rearranged the criteria to the same order as seen in query record_sheets3_qry but I am now getting #ERROR. =DLookUp("axelserial","record_sheet3_qry","[carid]=110 AND [wheelposition]=1 AND [EvenOddunits]=1") Does it make any difference the report has no control source? Thanks
  10. 1

    dlookup using multiple criteria

    Hi All, I have a text box in a report that uses DLOOKUP to select a record from a query but I have no idea how this should look, so would like a bit of help. I created below using the expression builder, but not surprisingly it doesn't work and returns #NAME...
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    Plog, at the moment only user at any one time will be using the DB, so that shouldn't be a problem. Will get onto creating that table
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    Uncle Gizmo, you are absolutely correct, I am monitoring the condition of train wheels and planning when the wheels need turning. After turning a number of times, the wheels are then too small to turn anymore and are sent away to be re-wheeled, much the same as having a new tyre put on a car...
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    plog, thanks for this. As it is not possible to alter the source data, what I need is to create a table and update it with Insert and Append queries then. I will give this a go, but not used Insert, Append and Update queries, so might take a while. I assume this update of the created table can...
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    attached is a word document that has screen shots of the two linked tables, "DATAEXPORT_5" and "Accumulative km"
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    Uncle Gizmo, thanks for your reply. Both tables "Accumulative km" and "DATAEXPORT_5" in my original database are linked tables to excel files, so there is little I can with them, only for the purpose of posting sample1 DB I have made them normal tables. I have attached a screenshot of one of the...
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    difficulty creating a query for many reports

    Hi all, I'm not sure this post is in the right category, but here goes! I'm still getting to grips with Access, so please bear with me. I have form "front page 2" from which I can select 2 numbers from 2 combo boxes. The 2 combo boxes refer to the 2 halves of a train, known as north and south...
  17. 1

    Problem using DMax with other criteria

    thanks for your interest. The original data comes from table DATAEXPORT_5 which in my database is a linked table. This table gives the km for a given wheel position on a particular date including wheel diameters. As I tried to explain in my original post, all I am aiming to do is reduce the...
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    Problem using DMax with other criteria

    jdraw, thanks for your reply. As an overview, I work for an underground train system, where part of my job is to be able track and monitor wheels fitted to any train in the fleet. Each train consists of two units, and north end and a south end. North end units are numbered 02 up to 94 and are...
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    Problem using DMax with other criteria

    I have a database that is used to track wheels fitted to trains. each train has 32 wheels. At present I have 32 queries that give me the data for each wheel position in a particular train, I then have a further 32 queries that use the DMax function to return the last record for each wheel in...
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    enter only even numbers in a combo box

    Thanks ridders, so simple when you know!
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