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  1. 1

    copy to a text box in a report

    The DLookup() seems it may work, but how do I select axle position 4 from the query 09ts data by even130. I have =DLookUp([09ts data by even110-1 last turn],[serial number]=4) but this returns #Name? in the text box in the report
  2. 1

    copy to a text box in a report

    I am a novice to MS Access and not familiar with VB, so is it possible to copy and paste a value in a cell in a query to a text box in a report? I have managed to create a macro that goes to the value I require in the query but haven't found a way of for a better word "pasting" it into a text...
  3. 1

    filter data using a query

    plog, as you can gather I'm not that familiar with access. but in the hope someone can help, I attach an updated spreadsheet. the result of the required query I would expect to be row 2 on 3rd tab. If I've pushed your patience too far I understand. Thanks, Ben
  4. 1

    filter data using a query

    I appreciate you patience. I have a query "all turn data" that adds the turn description, column H. what I need from the second tab is the serial number so I can add it to a report, see attachment, 3rd tab, the unit number is taken from another query and is selected using a combo box on the...
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    filter data using a query

    find attached another spreadsheet. Hope this helps some. Unfortunately my access file is 16Mb and source excel file is 6Mb otherwise I would upload them
  6. 1

    filter data using a query

    sorry, give me a few minutes
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    filter data using a query

    attached is an excel spreadsheet with a sample of the data I use. below is the data filtered down to even number and axle position, I need to filter further to the last date for the specific data. Thanks
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    filter data using a query

    Hi all, I have a query that I need to filter results from 2 fields. I have one field that filters data of 1,2,3 or 4 to return a 1. but I need to filter that further to return the last entry by date. I have used DMax("[date]","09ts data") in the date field, but the query returns empty fields...
  9. 1

    copy excel file from memory stick to C:\

    Ken, thanks for your patience. I have created the button, when I right click and select build event I am faced with a VBA page, where do I put my piece of code. Below is the code I am faced with; Private Sub Command61_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command61_Click...
  10. 1

    copy excel file from memory stick to C:\

    The code I have is; Sub Copy_One_File() FileCopy "A:\USB2.0FlashDisk_sda1\LATHE_DATA.xls", "F:\Victoria Line\Bombardier\Maintenance\Lifting Rd and Wheel Lathe Team Documents\Wheel Lathe Documents\Wheel Lathe backup\LATHE_DATA.xls" End Sub This code works when I run the module but I don't...
  11. 1

    copy excel file from memory stick to C:\

    Thanks for your reply Ken. I have created a module using the copyfile command. How do I run this module from a command button on a form. please keep as simple as poss as I'm a novice to Access. Thanks
  12. 1

    copy excel file from memory stick to C:\

    I need to copy an excel spreadsheet from my memory stick, E:\, onto my hard drive. I will have a command button in a form that will run this code. Would be grateful for any help as I have no idea where to start.
  13. 1

    filter a query further

    Sorry, I wasnt aware it was password protected
  14. 1

    filter a query further

    I have a query which lists data for 86 different units. I need to get the query to return the last entry for each position on each unit, based on turn date. There should be 16 positions for each unit. Then I need to be able to create a report based on the query for just one unit or for all 86...
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