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  1. DCrake

    Search Table

    No not how many Records but how many table fields? Can you provide sample data?
  2. DCrake

    combobox and if then else

    Is the field bound to a control on the form though? You cannot refer directly to the table field from vba.
  3. DCrake

    combobox and if then else

    Where are you getting [Event.VenueID] from?
  4. DCrake

    Search Table

    How many fields do you need to search in? Are they all text fields? You could create a query and concatenate the desired fields and do a Like search on the column.
  5. DCrake

    combobox and if then else

    The nested Select Case statement is cascading itself, first testing the delegate location, then the event Id then finally the combo box selection. It jumps out of the entire block once a condition has been met.
  6. DCrake

    Search Table

    Can the search criteria appear more than once in any given field? Does the search criteria appear more than once in a number of given fields? Does the search criteria change for any given record? Do all above questions = Yes
  7. DCrake

    combobox and if then else

    If DelegateLocation = 1 + VenueID = 2 or 5 + cmboEventID = 5,6,10,11,12,16,17 or 18 Then msgbox OK IF DelegateLocation = 2 + VenueID = 1,3 or 4 + cmboEventID = 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,13,14 or 15 Then msgBox OK Else msgbox This is not in the right area for this delegate please reschedule End if Try...
  8. DCrake

    Question Moving MS Access 2007 database from one to another computer

    First question is what version of Access are you using? Next was your database split FE-BE? How did you set your password?
  9. DCrake

    Tracking a login

    try this Link
  10. DCrake

    Help with a pivot table layout

    My pivot table skills are to say the least novice, I know what I want but I cannot fathom how to do it. If you could do the one change for me and I can work from that I would be grateful.
  11. DCrake

    Store a variable once form is closed

    Inside a standard module declare the variablr youwant to retain Public StrVariableName As String Then refer to that in your form.
  12. DCrake

    do not show password characters

    Ordinarily there is no input mask for an input box, however there is a vba fix for it if you arre up to it. Do a search on the forum for it.
  13. DCrake

    Help with a pivot table layout

    Hi Guys I am looking for someone who is aufay with pivot tables. I have constructed a pivot table that has filters The data is the result of sales from various sites, each site has its own consumption. the detail is by product. I can get it to show the product name in the row but I also want...
  14. DCrake

    Combo Box In Report

    Create an extra column in your query GrpBy:IIF([FieldName]='Pending',1,0) Then use the column GrpBy as your grouping fild in your report.
  15. DCrake

    Populating a listbox from sequential data from a .dat file

    Was only aware today that there was a difference between Line Input and Input. This just proves know one knows everything.:D
  16. DCrake


    Twips are screen-independent units used to ensure that the placement and proportion of screen elements in your screen application are the same on all display systems. A twip is a unit of screen measurement equal to 1/20 of a printer's point. The conversion between twips and...
  17. DCrake

    Concatenate and delete characters in Query

    used in conjuction with the concatenated string
  18. DCrake

    Concatenate and delete characters in Query

  19. DCrake

    Populating a listbox from sequential data from a .dat file

    Just a quicky Is it not Line Input #1, .....
  20. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    I don;t know if you can trap custom menu items. You may need to create your own and program them acordingly.
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