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  1. DCrake

    Like statment with Conditional Formatting

    That's one question I can't answer, never user RTB before, however I suppose there is a solution out there.
  2. DCrake

    Populating a listbox from sequential data from a .dat file

    Can you provide a copy of the dat file?
  3. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    Which menu items are you referring to?
  4. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    The form MouseDown if for the "white space" on the form you will have to code the controls individually
  5. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    Well I just tried doing what you are asking and it worked fine. What code do you have on your MouseDown event of the textbox? I had MsgBox Button Left click = 1 Right click = 2
  6. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    Are you doing it on a textbox or a command button?
  7. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    Private Sub Command0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = 2 then Right Click was clicked End Sub
  8. DCrake

    Like statment with Conditional Formatting

    See image
  9. DCrake

    Like statment with Conditional Formatting

    Whilst the text box is on the form in form view highlight the word approved which should bring up the format painter box and color acordingly.
  10. DCrake

    Right Click Event

    You can use the MouseDown event to detect left or right click
  11. DCrake

    Like statment with Conditional Formatting

    If using A2007 you could change the memo field to Rich text type and then you could highlight the word approved in green.
  12. DCrake

    mass enable and locked controls

    Again, depending on naming conventions it will determine the best way to do it. If you have controls named Txt01, Txt02, Txt03, Etc you could use a loop. Other than that you could put all the code in a sub routine and then call the sub routine Private Sub Enable(eFlag As Boolean)...
  13. DCrake

    combo boxes with null

    Are you saying that your combo box is using a table/query as its rowsourcetype? What are you using this combo box for?
  14. DCrake

    combo boxes with null

    That depends on the row source type of your combo box. Generally leaving the combo blank denotes null
  15. DCrake

    code not working

    You would be better of using a Select Case Statement rather than if's Select Case Avg Case <= x Case <= y Case <= z Case Else End Select
  16. DCrake

    DAO in Access 2007

    Dim Them as Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database
  17. DCrake

    code not working

    If 0 <= Avg <= 3.9 Then What are you trying to say here? The syntax youhave entered is wrong.
  18. DCrake

    save a report to a pdf problems!

    Don't give up there is a solution here on the forum. Search For Allen Brownes Export to PDF solution.
  19. DCrake

    save a report to a pdf problems!

    Sorry I think it is for 2007 onwards
  20. DCrake

    save a report to a pdf problems!

    Microsoft Website
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