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  1. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    OK, how about this. I thought about your problem and your desire to not have to redo all the report each day and month. I think excel can still be your main program for this data. I considered your current skills set and think you may appreciate staying in excel if it can do what you have...
  2. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    OK, just to clarify: your "to date" column is a calculation for the current month only, so what you would want would reset on the beginning of each new month, with opening balance of the new month being the closing balance of the previous month. is that right ?
  3. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    OK, will have a look.
  4. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    I have just returned from a few days away. I have opened your database file but without all the other information i asked about i remain confused as to how your data fits together. i have no idea about stocks or what you are trying to calculate (yes, i see your pictures, but they do not help me...
  5. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    Please note I have edited my last post after I submitted it, so your email notification will show an older version if my post.
  6. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    OK, to help you resolve your problem, we need to first 'un-excel spreadsheet" your access tables. Please provide the following: a screenshot of your relationship view (which includes all your tables) or, even better - upload your database as it is now. a description of what you want the...
  7. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    I know I sounds like a or if work (it is) but it is also very rewarding. If you would like to continue we will help you to stay on the right track.
  8. wiklendt

    add row to excel sheet

    If your accountants have access to the same server space, the other alternative is to allow the accountants to have access directly to your database. Create a button for them to press so the database will show them what they want to see.
  9. wiklendt

    how i can do this???

    Goheriq, if it is all working really well in excel, what is it that you wish for access to do for you that excel cannot? GinaWhipp is correct - for you to do this properly it can take weeks or months, depending on your dedication. But you must do it properly to get the results you want.
  10. wiklendt

    Will you upgrade to Windows 10?

    I've now upgraded to win10. It's a bit like the difference between 8 and 8.1 in terms of visuals. As for functionality, 'windows update' has taken a massive back-step. First, it's not possible to choose which updates are installed. Second, you are no longer told how big each update is in MB/GB...
  11. wiklendt

    Custom Message for Duplicate Entries

    How about something like this (see attached). Not pretty, just did it quickly, but shows functionality of one form to view update or delete student info. have no idea how your data groups together, so the tab separations in the pages control are kind of random. Edit: and i agree with GinaWhipp...
  12. wiklendt

    2007 Autofill in datasheets?

    Have you tried 'sendkeys'?
  13. wiklendt

    Excel VBA

    Not very experienced with excel VBA either. On point 2, creating new rows, it would seem to me an easier pption od to mąkę your section od speadsheet into a 'table'. That way you have formulas in a whole column these get copied down automatically when new data is added to the next blank rów (and...
  14. wiklendt

    Many-to-many relation ship inside one table

    And I have no idea if that's a legitimate or sensible way to do it, but it is thinking outside the box a bit!
  15. wiklendt

    Many-to-many relation ship inside one table

    (Except the database used proper horse terms instead of "mother" and "father".)
  16. wiklendt

    Many-to-many relation ship inside one table

    Hm. I seem to remember vaguely seeig a horse breeding database relationship view. One table called tblHorses lists all the horses. Now, for breeding you need to know which horse is the parent of which other horse. To do this, the database added the tblHorses table twice (or thrice?) to the...
  17. wiklendt

    Why there is a lack of resources about opening the attachment fields?

    Feel free to add your own resources, then there'll be more ;-)
  18. wiklendt


    Show us your working out (your query/calculation). Are you sure you're not just "adding" the tax (like i did in "TaxPart" accidentally in the example i made)? The taxpart should have been something like: (price/(100+taxrate))*100 But i think the TaxUp is the one you wanted anyway, and that looks...
  19. wiklendt


    That 'back and forth' was us desperately trying to understand what you needed. It would have been a lot easier if you'd clarified our uncertainties at the time instead of just ignoring us. It takes time and effort to help out and put in the brains to make sure you get a reasonably well working...
  20. wiklendt

    Hidden query? Is there such a thing?

    ahhhhh, yes, that did it. wow, i had no idea object could be hidden. thanks for googling for me ;-P don't know why i didn't try that first!
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