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  1. wiklendt

    Hidden query? Is there such a thing?

    Hi everyone, I have a database that a work colleague asked me to look at. They accidentally changed a value and couldn't change it back. There is something strange with the queries. There are four listed in the database, but in one of the queries (in design view), there's another two queries...
  2. wiklendt


    as for giving users grouping options in a report, i have another area in my database where, once a user has a list they want to print, they press a button "print options" which opens a new window that has sorting, grouping, and filtering options: when the user presses "Go!" this triggers a...
  3. wiklendt


    so say you have DueDate as a field in your tasks table. make a query with a calculated field using nested datediffs or dateserials, something like (disclaimer: aircode) Urgency: iif([DueDate]=Date(),"Today",iif([duedate-dateserial(month(date()),year(date()),"This month") ...etc you'll end up...
  4. wiklendt


    but, the reports do allow you to have various groups. not sure if these can be limited on various dates from one query... worth a try. another thing worth trying: have a calculated field in a query which returns "today" "this week" etc... depending on datediff in a a nesedt if?
  5. wiklendt


    I disagree that you can't change grouping in a single report. I have done it. As for dates, I would try datediff() perhaps coupled with an option group, I've done something similar but not quite what your colleague had in mind - though with a little fiddling you might be able to work it out...
  6. wiklendt

    Will you upgrade to Windows 10?

    I have an older laptop (Sony sve14a... Something, about 3yo) which I've sent for repair (the hinge was cracking apart) solely for the purpose of trying Win10. Currently that laptop is running win8 so will have to first do the 3gb 8.1 upgrade before I can do the 3gb win10 upgrde. Not great...
  7. wiklendt


    @Infinite, did my solution help you piece together a query for yourself? Are you still in need of assistance on this matter?
  8. wiklendt


    Yes, this is what i have been saying numerous times. However, something i noticed when i was doing the mock-up (based on OPs relationship view screenshot), and also from the OPs very first post, is that the tax rate he has listed in tblShowCosts - which appears to be a 1-1 relationship with...
  9. wiklendt


    Or, instead of limiting by date you could try limiting by eventid.
  10. wiklendt


    after sleeping on it and considering all information on hand, i have fashioned a solution for you based on your current design. however, be warned that your current design has confused even the experts on this forum and i had troubles with a basic mock-up (only the fields i needed) of your...
  11. wiklendt


    No, i'm not really sure what's what yet, but we'll get there. It may be that Infinite think it's too obvious or too irrelevant to explain it properly, or perhaps Infinite believes the explanations are adequate. @Infinite, you have to remember that we know nothing about your project except what...
  12. wiklendt


    We need to know difference because it will impact where the best place is to put your tax. Did you read my previous post asking why it would not work in events? Your explanation does not work. Here is how you sound: "Yes cat and dog is different because cat is a cat and dog is not a cat but it...
  13. wiklendt


    I'm sorry, I cannot make sense of what you've written. Do you mean I had the right idea but the wrong way around? Like: Event: kid fest Show: 03-2013 (for march 2013?) Show: 03-2014 Show: 03-2015 All shows were part of the kid fest event, but each show of the kid fest event is in a different...
  14. wiklendt


    It's like an expo - usually a single place and time where commercial trades can show off their goods. Doesn't usually go longer than a week but some are long standing and can go on for ever: like "The Royal Easter Show", where kiddies can go on pony rides, meet lots of animals, regular people...
  15. wiklendt


    I think i know what you mean. Something like "The Melbourne Gardening Show" and it will have an event each year - hence your event table being basically dates. Are you now talking about the tax you do want? I'm not sure "stay where it is" means - it doesn't exist anywhere except your...
  16. wiklendt


    OK. So i just want to make sure that when you mention "Tax" - every "tax" related field in your tables refer to this one tax that is applied at every show to items you sell? just because you have a Tax field in multiple places except the one place you would actually need it. (see my annotations...
  17. wiklendt


    Thanks for uploading those. Generally, a picture is worth 1000 words. Specifically, relationship view will show us if there are any issues with your base design that you might not be aware of and might be affecting your problem. It helps us visualise how you are putting your data together and...
  18. wiklendt


    1) How about you just post a screenshot of your relationship view. & 2) Next, in plain english, explain what you need your database to do - so, leave database-speak out of it and just tell us what you want to do (e.g., "we run events and need to bill customers for each event. customers choose...
  19. wiklendt

    Code runs OK once, but error next time

    And don't forget to make BACKUPS every so often. That way, if you ever 'accidentally break' something, it's no big deal to revert to a backup. When I'm in development mode I am capable of making up to 10 or more uniquely named backups per day. Uniquely named example = "database copy (09)...
  20. wiklendt

    Calculated fields

    Hi Insomnai, I understand why you have created relationships between these fields, what i am trying to say, however, is that some of these fields should not be there in the first place to have a link made. In other words, yes, it is normal to create a relationship between foreign and primary...
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