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  1. J

    You tried to assign the null value to a variable error.

    I've looked through the archives for posts about this error, but I can't get a good handle on what is causing it in my situation. I have a main form with currently one subform, there will be another subform in the future once I can get this error sorted. The subform is used to create a test...
  2. J

    Percent Data Type Issue

    That's a good point @plog. Kinda have to trick the system to do what you want.
  3. J

    Percent Data Type Issue

    I was just trying avoid the need for the leading zeros. The problem that I fear may occur is that on other fields they will be able to enter 25 and the form will equate it to 25% which is actually .25. So if they become accustom to entering information that way it will cause errors on the one...
  4. J

    Percent Data Type Issue

    I have a data entry form in which several of my fields use the percent data type. Works great on all but one. The problem that I have is that I need to allow entry of values less than 1%. The problem with this is that when for example my users enter say .98% access automatically converts .98...
  5. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    I definitely have minimal experience compared to you guys which is why I was trying to keep things very simple. That's why I was really iffy on the notion on unbound forms and using placeholder records and temporary tables.
  6. J

    SQL Server Backend Questions.

    The intent for the project has always been to have the data display in a spreadsheet manner for the end user. The whole goal that for the idea of creating a database was to provide a "container" for test data to be stored, provide a user-friendly data-entry method, reduce the opportunity for...
  7. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    Can a form be bound an append query?
  8. J

    SQL Server Backend Questions.

    @pbaldy Thank you for the guidance. I really appreciate your time. I'm definitely going to heed the warnings you guys have presented. With the caveat that I have not been able to completely go through your prior attachment, the biggest frustration in all of this is not being able to pass data...
  9. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    @theDBguy can a form be bound to an append query? Your last statement about being able to do something grammatically but it not being a good idea, is that in reference to not allowing users to define inputs or that I should regularly use an append query to insert records?
  10. J

    SQL Server Backend Questions.

    @theDBguy I have attached a really dumbed-down screenshot of what the final datasheet would need to look like. This structure is not all that different than my current main table. @Galaxiom Thanks a ton for the information, I will definitely research the topics that you have provided. I have...
  11. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    I understand how this scenario would work with the user choosing to add a new record on the sub form. Like adding items to an order. The thing I’m having difficulty understanding is how the six or eight records would be created automatically based upon entries in the parent form, if that...
  12. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    Forgive my ignorance on this one I am trying to learn. I can have a bound form that will create say eight, for example, new records at a single time in one table while only creating a single record on the other? How would this work? I have not seen anything like that before.
  13. J

    SQL Server Backend Questions.

    I guess I don't understand the concern. I know normalization used to avoid duplicate records, but in this instance there will never be a duplication because every appliance that is tested is a separate entity. It does not matter if another appliance with the same specifications ends up with...
  14. J

    Unbound Data Entry/Edit Forms

    The project that I am working on could potentially need to move to using unbound data entry/edit forms instead of bound forms. I am not excited about the prospect, but I need to research it nonetheless. Here is what I will need out of my data entry form. A single form will be used to populate...
  15. J

    SQL Server Backend Questions.

    The decision has been made that the database that I am currently working on will be split on completion, with the backend being migrated to SQL Server. One of the main issues that has been discussed with this proposition is the ability to add new columns to the backend tables. Here is a basic...
  16. J

    Split For Filter Problem

    @The_Doc_Man thanks for the explanation. I see now it is important to specify the number of decimal places to display. Thank you for your input.
  17. J

    Multi-value Listbox Filter on Split Form

    @theDBguy Thanks so much. You really have been a huge help.
  18. J

    Multi-value Listbox Filter on Split Form

    Just wanted to update. I think I got this worked out. Here is what I did: Private Sub AddFilter() TempVars("BaseMode")= "1=1" Dim strWhere As String Dim ctl As Control Dim varItem As Variant strWhere = "" Set ctl = Me.txtBaseModel For Each varItem In ctl.ItemsSelected...
  19. J

    Split For Filter Problem

    Works like a charm. Thank you so much.
  20. J

    Split For Filter Problem

    I'm talking about manually moving the textbox value with the arrow buttons, not typing in the value. I know I had the textboxes locked from typing in values.
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