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    The date is 2 November 2023 English date not American Its just the code below where I'm confusing myself: UPDATE tblCustomerInvoice SET tblCustomerInvoice.ShipDate = #11/02/2023#
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    I'm currently using cloud database, so to improve the speed I need to use a pass-through query from MS Access so that I can deal with the server directly. I'm trying to open the record source in VBA, that is where I'm getting it wrong. See below why the code is not changing the date. Dim db As...
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    Solved MS Access VBA DoCmd Print Command Error

    Fortunately the code below has worked as required: DoCmd.OpenReport "RptPosReceipts", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal DoCmd.PrintOut DoCmd.Close acReport, "RptPosReceipts"
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    Solved MS Access VBA DoCmd Print Command Error

    The error is occurring immediately after preview which is visible to everyone ,the error is wrong property assignment. Here I do not want to see the preview mode but direct printing
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    Solved MS Access VBA DoCmd Print Command Error

    Dear Experts! Sorry once again! I want to have a POS receipt sent directly to the printer after selecting the receipt number in the combo box using the after events property, but it is giving me an error. I do not want to preview anything here , below is my VBA Code. Private Sub...
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    Solved Rules to be implemented with Ms Access against SQL Server Cloud

    Maybe I’m missing something here, I have been following the rules listed below to implement my cloud-based database SQL Server, I can confirm the rules listed below have sorted out all my reports, they pull data almost instantly BUT not data entry forms, the parent and child forms have these...
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    Linking SQL Server tables with VBA

    Just compose the ODBC DSN less like below then you are done! DRIVER={HDBODBC};UID=myUser;PWD=myPassword;SERVERNODE=myServer:30015
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    Please help me understanding this Query

    If possible just post the database we will assist you , we also started from where you are , we leant every trick strategies from others
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    Please help me understanding this Query

    This section appear to be incomplete , I think you wanted to pick the following: (1) Product ID (2) Product Name (3) My ID ( What is this????????????/) (4) I cannot see the quantity here Here is what we do with an SQL like the one you want to do: SELECT tblCustomerInvoice.InvoiceID...
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    Developing a calculator in Ms Access VBA

    This is wonderful stuff, I never expected this. Many thanks uncle Gizmo
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    Developing a calculator in Ms Access VBA

    Thank you so much uncle Gizmo, this exactly what I was looking for.
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    Developing a calculator in Ms Access VBA

    Well I have a working calculator in my POS form but the only problem is that, to use it you need to be clicking the button . Is there a way to use keyboard button which also act like the onclick event key. The windows calculator has both the key board usage or mouse, how can we do the same with...
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    Macro to use the value of a textbox in a search

    I think the filter method is the way to go , just bind that txt box to some combo box . First create unbound combo box base it to your record which you want to be searching , then simply filter that combo box with your text box , then you can use vba for the final update.
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    subtract between two different fields

    Is it possible to translate this language into English , we can easily assist on this one: ¿Mi base tiene dos campos "mes" y otro "número de folio" como diferencia entre dos meses? ej Enero 198030 Febrero 302105 marzo 504265 La Diferencia Entre enero y febrero, febrero y marzo, etc ... se Hace...
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    How to Combine 2 SQL Update Statements?

    The answer here is that you are trying to open the record source by a query , this means that your VBA code should take into account of that: Dim dbs As Database Dim prm As DAO.Parameter Set dbs = CurrentDb For Each prm In qdf.Parameters prm = Eval(prm.Name) Next prm...
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    Unlinking Tables

    Do one the following: (1) If you are using split tables , that is the application separate and the data , then delete the links and recreate new ones and refresh the links using the link manager it should be able to work (2) If you are using SQL server to store your data then use ODBC 13.1 to...
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    How to Combine 2 SQL Update Statements?

    Sorry May be I did not understand your question properly, the simple way is just create an SELECT QUERY , then convert that query into UPDATE AND CALL its name in VBA Name of a query = QryGrnTagDebit UPDATE tblGrnAccountDebit SET tblGrnAccountDebit.GrnStatus =...
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    How to set point of sales invoice report in Ms Access

    Kindly see the design layout view where do I go to adjust the report
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    How to set point of sales invoice report in Ms Access

    I need help on how to set the POS receipt in Ms Access. What is happening is that , the receipt is coming out Okay but it prints 3 extra blank copies, how do I stop this paper wastage?
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    In VBA Pairing Hostname & Port

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