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  1. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    Frankly, I for one still abide by my NDA. I suspect so do the others. We can no longer participate in NDA discussions though.
  2. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    I'm a member of an MVP forum that now has a lot of ex-MVP's. None of us can figure out how MS makes its decisions here. Albert is going to try and reapply in a few months.
  3. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    That is indeed a useful discussion for this thread Jack. Thank you for posting. BTW, were you aware of the fact that Albert was NOT renewed as an MVP this month? I couldn't believe it.
  4. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    Certainly a valid point but you have to admit that my solution did not suffer from that drawback. Your very helpful post are always filled with useful tips and I admire them a lot.
  5. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    I'm sorry Colin, but I think you were a little harsh with your comment. I believe your opinion only applies to *your* solution but not to all solutions. It just struck me as very unlike your usual assistance.
  6. RuralGuy

    New Member from Louisiana

    Welcome...welcome...welcome. I'm sure you will be able to supply us with some very useful tips.
  7. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    Thanks for the update! :)
  8. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    Just pass information to the form in the OpenArgs argument.
  9. RuralGuy

    Default Combo Box Not Firing when Form Loads

    Sorry but my email post office is sick right now so I never got notifications of your post. Are you saying that the RecordSource of the SubForm is set by the ComboBox selection?
  10. RuralGuy

    Default Combo Box Not Firing when Form Loads

    Where are you automatically populating these text boxes? In what event?
  11. RuralGuy

    DAO rs empty - same SQL has results

    It looks okay to me. Have you disabled the errors?
  12. RuralGuy

    Obtaining extended file properties (attributes) using VBA

    Thanks Colin. Filed away for use later! :)
  13. RuralGuy


    A great big WELCOME to ya! Glad to see you on board.
  14. RuralGuy

    new member

    Welcome to the site. Sit back, relax and enjoy yourself!
  15. RuralGuy

    Refreshing textboxes after returning to an already open form

    If you use the method both Dave and I suggested then you do not need to know what form opens the transactions form! It keeps your code more modular. :)
  16. RuralGuy

    Refreshing textboxes after returning to an already open form

    If you open the "transaction form" as Dialog then the code behind the button waits for the next form to close or become invisible. It would be right after the OpenForm command in the button where you would run your Me.Requery.
  17. RuralGuy

    Curious about listboxes

    Keep us posted on the results, please. :)
  18. RuralGuy

    Curious about listboxes

    In that case you can just use the Me.ControlName syntax and it should work for any MainForm. What sets the value in the ControlName? Is it the Record Source of this form? If so, there is absolutely NO problem.
  19. RuralGuy

    Curious about listboxes

    Is the ListBox on the actual SubForm and is the Control you are referencing also on that same SubForm?
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