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  1. K

    Solved MID Function

    Thank you, I modified it slightly and is working perfectly NSC: IIf([CAGE]="ABC12",Mid([PartNbr],1,4))
  2. K

    Solved MID Function

    Hello all. Need some assistance with using MID in query. I've been using the MID function to split out down the data in column 'PartNbr' this works fine for the most part, however is there a way to only invoke the MID function if column 'CAGE' shows ABC12? If there's a better function to use...
  3. K

    Solved Weight Conversion

    Thank you, that worked perfectly. Much simpler than I was thinking.
  4. K

    Solved Weight Conversion

    Hello All. I've got a simple table containing product data, one of the fields contains the weight and another contains what unit of measure has been used (either pounds or ounces), I'm trying to write a query that will convert the weight to kilograms but struggling with how to handle two...
  5. K

    Solved Format based Query

    Thank you ever so much, that worked like a charm and found multiple locations that didn't match the correct pattern.
  6. K

    Solved Format based Query

    Hey. I did read some stuff on that, but it made absolutely no sense what so ever. Can you assist further please?
  7. K

    Solved Format based Query

    Need some assistance with writing a query and honestly and I'm not even sure how to put this into words. I want the query to find records where the field isn't in a specific format. The field in question is for the location in the warehouse and has a specific alphanumeric format with an optional...
  8. K

    Solved Grouping in Reports

    Thank you, that worked perfectly, much appreciated.
  9. K

    Solved Grouping in Reports

    Hi. So the group would be created using field SNOW, how would I create the calculation?
  10. K

    Solved Grouping in Reports

    In need of some assistance with creating a report. I know what I want, but not sure where to begin. I've five fields in my table (see sample data) and I would like to group by field 'SNOW' and then check the status of field 'LINE STATUS'. So for example SNOW (or order) 1, 24, 200, and 338 at the...
  11. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Its not elegant but I've found a way to complete my objective. Thanks for the help.
  12. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Unfortunately the database resides on a server that's accessed via Remote Desktop which has the ability to export data between environments disabled. The best I can provide is screen shots as I've been doing. So the crosstab query I've constructed currently groups by the year and pulls the data...
  13. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Thanks for your follow up. So, I amended the first criteria as you suggested and received the same outcome. See attached screenshots. Any suggestions?
  14. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Thanks for your help. I've done as you've suggested but think I've made a mistake somewhere as it's not giving the expected results. I've attached a screenshot of the two queries and that of the outcome. Can you advise where I've gone wrong? Access isn't my strong point and very much struggle...
  15. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Whoops, sorry
  16. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    Thank you, unfortunately it didn't like that, received an error (attached). Had this problem in the past and a user on here recommended the DLookUp. Any other suggestions?
  17. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Date Help

    I have a crosstab query which is currently grouping the data by year (see attached screenshot). It pulls data based on a DLookUp in another table (screen shot attached). The dates in the table will always be input as a complete 12 month range. This range can start anytime in the year and will...
  18. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Parameter problem

    Wow, thank you so much, that worked perfectly.
  19. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Parameter problem

    Thanks, how would I do this?
  20. K

    Solved Crosstab Query Parameter problem

    Hello all. In need of your assistance please. I've got a crosstab query where I want to pull the date start and end parameters from a table (TAQDate) however keep receiving an SQL statement error because it contains ambiguous outer joins. Screenshot of the query attached. I wanted to have the...
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