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  1. F

    Run-time error '3183':

    Hi, I'm developing an Access application that pulls schedule data from an oracle database and processes the data, filling in gaps in the schedules. Ultimately the application will process two years worth of schedule data for tens of thousands of employees where some employees can have multiple...
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    Undefined function ‘getDates’ in expression

    Thanks Chris, So much for my attempts to modify code to make publically available... :( The function was named correctly in the original query but I changed some details when posting and failed to notice I had not changed every instance of the name. Now corrected.
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    Undefined function ‘getDates’ in expression

    Hi Chris, My original post has the query SQL and you should be able to see the function call as a column in the query. I have a workaround: Turns out I don't really need the dates as column headers, nice as it would have been to provide that. The query as shown - but without the function to...
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    Undefined function ‘getDates’ in expression

    Hi Paul, The module name was not the same as the function name ;) I'm unsure why you think creating the function in Excel would work for a function being called as part of an Access query. I did try that as you suggested but I get the same error: "Undefined function ... in expression" Regards...
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    Undefined function ‘getDates’ in expression

    Hi pr2-eugin, No, not initially. I've just tried but I still get the same error message. Why did you suggest that? Regards Mark
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    Undefined function ‘getDates’ in expression

    Hi I want to display data in Excel that is pulled from an Access database. The aim is to display a cross tab query that shows a weeks worth of data regardless of whether there is data for every day of the week (always display five day columns even if Tuesday has no data...) My solution was to...
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    VBA Pass-Through SQL to Oracle database

    Update as of 6 October. I've narrowed issue down to two columns on the second database. If i don't include them in the where clause, I get records returned. Unfortunately these are crucial columns to filter on. Both columns are date datatype. I've checked in the database schemas and the schema...
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    VBA Pass-Through SQL to Oracle database

    Hi Michael, As far as I'm aware... Something I'll need to check with our IT department. They are both within the same data warehouse system anyway and both visible within the Oracle schema. Mark
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    VBA Pass-Through SQL to Oracle database

    Hi Michael, Thanks for your reply. I'm not receiving an error. The connection appears to open correctly for both iterations and for the first set returns rows but for the second set does not. I capture this by checking for EOF It is conceivable that there is an error with one of the...
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    VBA Pass-Through SQL to Oracle database

    Hi, I'm automating an export of Oracle data into MS Access for a business process. The export runs twice, once for one set of tables in one database and then for a second set of identically structured tables in another database. The export works fine for one set of tables but not the other and...
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    Bob Larson 30,000 Posts

    One of Bob's older posts helped me out today. I don't know how many times I've found your posts helpful Bob, but it is a lot. Thank you! Mark
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    Did you gain your Access knowledge through books, trial-error/courses....or internet?

    Everything, but primarily driven by need to know For me, the easiest way to learn has been faced with a project that needed completing and having to find any means of getting it done. There are some great books out there, Mastering Access 2000 Development by Alison Balter is the number one...
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    On the fly Search Query from Excel querying Access

    Sorted Paul, Thank you!!!!! Changing the wild card to % solved the problem. The poll was a mistake, I thought it was a poll on this post. Too late to take it off so I just put in the first thing that came to me... Regards Mark Code I am now using is shown below: Private Sub...
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    On the fly Search Query from Excel querying Access

    Microsoft fix Hi, Just found an interesting link on Microsoft's site. It may identify the issue: I will need to check as my version of the driver is probably older. Let you know. Mark
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    On the fly Search Query from Excel querying Access

    Hi I've written an application in MS Excel that uses Excel forms to enter and display information that is stored in an MS Access database. I am developing it to allow users to search for key words in details fields. I have a problem with my code where I am creating a SQL string on the fly...
  16. F

    Possibly the dumbest question to grace this board

    Try everything Without sitting at your PC it is difficult to advise. Try printing to a different Printer; changing one of the lines that does not show to see if that makes a difference; viewing the report in zoom mode. I had someone come to me with a printer problem yesterday and I couldn't...
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    Complex Staff and Weekly Rota Database Structure

    If it works, use it >So, my questions are: >.s it feasible to generate a rota grid like the one in the pic with access? >Could I get the report generator to build something like it, or should I do it >with a form that looks reasonable when printed? I had a contract last year to produce...
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    Looping through Table Catalog causes Access to crash

    hi, I wrote a little routine to clean out temporary tables that are used to store data in Access while producing complex reports from a back end Unix database. The code works fine in a new test database but not when I place it in an older existing database. I am using MS Access 2002 with both...
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    Accessing an Outlook Template from Access

    Link to site that may help Hi, I'm not an expert in Outlook VBA but I have used some info found on the site below. The link is one I've found useful for creating new emails with attachments. Sue Mosher has her own web site with some free VBA code. You have to register to look at it but worth...
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    Why? Why? Why?

    You have two databases: DB1, DB2 From DB1 you create a table in DB2 A Form uses the table in DB2 as the recordsource, but it isn't working? In DB1, create a link to the table in DB2, without this DB1 will not be able to see the table and the form will not be able to use the table as a...
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