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  1. B

    Creating a Form Programmatically

    Thank you, but I don't understand how I could use this for the application I intend. My reason for wanting a form in the first place was so that I could send a specific message to close that particular form when the user returns. Obviously I'd need a unique name to accomplish that. How can I...
  2. B

    Creating a Form Programmatically

    I was searching for something similar and came across this old thread which really relates. I want to programmatically generate a form on the fly which is physically identical to one in my database, but with a new name. I'll describe below. Sorry for the long explanation but I've found...
  3. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    Yes, you are correct. That may be the solution. I'll try it and let you knot. Thank you so much for your help.
  4. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    Not invoked through the IM form timer. There's a hidden form that runs a timer every five seconds, and that timer runs maybe a dozen different routines that cause different things to fire. One of the things that happens on that hidden form timer event is to search the IM table to see if any...
  5. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    Great! Another improvement. But is there some way to run this without the timer? I tried on Open and On Load but it didn't seems to want to work there. I'd like to remove the delay if possible, even if it's only 1 ms.
  6. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    It's really tough to post because it's quite complex, but the greatly simplified version is that when a message is sent it's recorded in a table along with the recipient's UserName. There's a bit field called Acknowledged that defaults to False. There's a hidden form that runs a sequence of...
  7. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    I want to amend my earlier comment. It works almost perfectly! For test purposes I was using two fingers to toggle between two keys as fast as I could to simulate fast tying. The message box opened and about three characters made it onto the message form before the focus switched back. I'm...
  8. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    I tried this and it worked perfectly. I set TimerInterval to 5 ms and added a line in the code to reset TimerInterval to 0, and it does not seem to interrupt focus at all. Thank you again.
  9. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    I really like this suggestion because I think it will do what I need. If I use it on the timer event it seems I have to have a very short trigger for the time, maybe 10 ms or something so that it runs almost immediately after form opens. I assume that one of the instructions would of necessity...
  10. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    Thank you for the suggestion. In general that might work, but my reality is that not every computer has sound, or has sound turned on. Although it's a good idea I just don't think it will work for all cases for me.
  11. B

    I want a form to open without receiving the focus

    I created an internal Instant Messaging system through Access. The message form is a pop-up, but not Modal. The problem we're experiencing is that often the IM form opens while someone is in the middle of typing in a field on another form, and the characters being typed wind up in the IM field...
  12. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    Just one quick comment on this. Checks are printed once a month, and the total size of the recordset is only about 6-700, so I really don't think it's going to be too much of an issue. Also, I use Compact and Repair regularly. I'm thinking that bloating will be minimal. By the way, thank...
  13. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    I really want to thank you for all the time and effort and thought you put into this. I had to do some tweaking with the code, but it wound up working great for me. Thank you again for your efforts.
  14. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    One of the reasons I had originally opted for the Make Table+Appends option was that if the check number can be added to the appropriate table record, then we can export all the information from that table back to Quick Books. The information ultimately has to be entered there to keep track of...
  15. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    Since you already have the data in question I'll just remove the post. There are three reports currently in use, one for each payment schedule. They provide each dealer with a list of which customer the payment is for, as well as totals. So yes, within each existing report the sorting is...
  16. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    I can see that it's a difficult task to sort based on the data itself since it's sort of a jumble. Wouldn't it be easier to just create the check number on print and write it back to the already sorted recordset in the query? In other words, rather than trying to generate the count on the...
  17. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    I've already removed the file and replaced it with a greatly abbreviated version. I added a field called Schedule, with 1 being Commissions, 2 being policies, and 3 being quotes. I want to sort on that field first. Second sort is Ascending on Dealer Name. Third sort is Ascending on Ind. Name
  18. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    Union Query has been created that combines all three recordsets into one. Works fine. How do we approach numbering?
  19. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    I tried, through my wordy introduction, to explain the reasoning behind this. We essentially have three categories of dealers. Some are paid a % of the policy amount, some are paid a fee per quote regardless of whether the policy is sold, and some are paid a set fee per policy. Because of...
  20. B

    I need to consecutively number table rows with user determined start number

    I'm open to any and all suggestions. I appreciate any suggestion that may smooth the way.
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