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    Send Form as PDF from Command Button

    I can give you an answer you may not want to hear. Upgrade to Access 2007. It will convert the document to a .pdf, attach it to a mail, and you can even set the outgoing address, subject line, and outgoing message. One click opens your email with the document ready to send. I loved Access...
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    Trying to create an on-screen countdown timer in Access 2007

    I'm writing a database for an insurance company that has as its core business model responding with a quote within 12 minutes. The company takes this very seriously, and wants an on-screen timer integrated into the form as the quote is being written. I already have an elapsed time timer...
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    How Do I Create Many Individual Reports Simultaneously?

    AWESOME! It worked perfectly. Thanks so much. I was goin' nuts looking for the combination to that safe!
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    How Do I Create Many Individual Reports Simultaneously?

    Thanks for the help, Bob. The firest posted solution sounds like that will solve my problem, but I can't tell yet. I hate to sound stupid here, but the group header shows but not the group footer. How do I make the group footer visible? The second solution you posted won't help me. I want...
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    How Do I Create Many Individual Reports Simultaneously?

    I want to create dozens of reports simultaneously in Access 2007, one for each salesman, by setting the date parameters. So, for May 1-May 31, I enter the dates and Salesman1's report is created with only his data, and all other sales reps get their own indivudual report containing only their...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    Cool! I can see how that would do exactly what I want to do. Would that be executable through a query so that the number can recreate the shoe in one step, or do I have to execute it in 312 separate steps?
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    Thanks, Dave. As I think about it, there are only 52 cards, so there is no need to use three digits to store a card value. Using two digits creates a string 624 characters long. While a damn long number by human standards, it probably is a piece of cake for Access to handle. I don't expect...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    I posted the shuffle routine I received here. Perhaps you didn't see it. Of course you're right that shuffle=RNG, except that the numbers are now associated with conventional card values. It seems that there are many seed numbers in...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    I have another question, which I have also posted at other forums. I originally asked for, and received, a great routine that shuffles the cards very fast and stores the shuffle in a table. After posting it in this and other forums, the suggestion was made that a deck could be represented with...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    Gemma, I understand that you are restating conventional wisdom, and I agree that there is indeed a built-in very small percentage house advantage (about 2%). Regardless, I have noticed and exploited something previously either unrecognized or underappreciated about the game which has allowed me...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    I apologize to all who answered. The email notification of the response was delivered to my spam folder and I didn't see it until now. As HiTechCoach will probably point out, I did get my problem solved by a user in another forum. He came up with the following solution...
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    Question 6 Deck Card Shuffling In Access

    I'm doing something not generally associated with Access. I'm writing an analytical blackjack program. Anyone familiar with Access knows that it can be instructed to do the things involved, namely count the hand, stand or hit at a certain level, and anything else required to play the game. My...
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