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  1. Martyh

    Tried to set Default Value

    I Tried to set Default Value with a global variable ... a combo box -cboFiscalYear with the current fiscal year ... [modGlobalVar].[intFiscalYear] ie the Defaultvalue property of the combobox = [modGlobalVar].[intFiscalYear] However, there was no joy. What am I doing wrong...
  2. Martyh

    Advice Needed

    Hi all,:) I'm looking for some advice: the problem is that I've got 13 sections in which people are working, and administrative assistants that are taking care of 1 or more of these same sections. In addition to the usual security, there is also a requirement to make the AA's only output...
  3. Martyh

    Mind Block -- Locking tables

    :confused: I've hit a "mind block" --- part of me says that it can be done and part of me struggles with reality ! I've hit the error -- "Runtime error 3211 -- The database engine could not lock the table 'tblLevels' because it is already in use by another user or process." A few things --...
  4. Martyh

    Trying to name a treeview control!

    Solved the problem! Just after putting this up on the site, I came across this which solved the problem-- Forms![frmTV]![axTreeview].SelectedItem.Text = Me.LevelAbbrev For those of you that are interested!!
  5. Martyh

    Trying to name a treeview control!

    I am using a treeview control. When I press the View/Edit button (in the figure 1), I get the “Level” form. My problem is that I do not know what/how to call the explicit Treeview control, so that I could make it equal to “me.LevelAbbrev” when I close the Level form. (assuming that I have made...
  6. Martyh

    Summary workbook made up of combination of workbooks

    Hi ! I have several workbooks each with one sheet (located in the directory /AA ) and I want to put all the worksheets from them into one summary workbook. (located in the directory /CR ) The cavaet is that I am doing this from VBA code in Access. My code lines are: Dim ExcelApp As...
  7. Martyh

    See if a value in a control has changed

    Adding... Yes this seems to be the way to go, but I am nervous about the fact that this subform (a form within a form) ... How do I call these? Also the control that I am looking at is a calculated field ... the sum of all the invoices. Are there any precautions ?? In addition, is the value...
  8. Martyh

    See if a value in a control has changed

    No, I actually have the following code in the close form procedure: Private Sub cmdClose_Click() .... DoCmd.Close ... .... End Sub
  9. Martyh

    See if a value in a control has changed

    I need to see if the value in a control has changed from the time that the form opened until the time that the form is closed. At the beginning of accessing the form ("frmTrxWInvoicesExp"), I store the sum of the invoices into a variable in a module of Global Variables The code is...
  10. Martyh

    Updating Calculated field with dsum

    RG, That is BEAUTIFUL -- You solved the problem. THANKS!! PS varPlanned.Requery seems to work --- and recalc provides an error.
  11. Martyh

    Updating Calculated field with dsum

    Hi RG, the only bit of code is: Private Sub trxPlanAmt_AfterUpdate() Me.varPlanned.Requery End Sub This is for a text box on the screen. After the update to that box, I'm trying to requery varPlanned which is a calculated text box with =DSum("[trxPlanAmt]","tblTransactions","[relBudID] =...
  12. Martyh

    Updating Calculated field with dsum

    how do I programmatically update a calculated field with dsum in it? the quote from ms is "Unsaved changes to records in domain aren't included when you use this function. If you want the DSum function to be based on the changed values, you must first save the changes by clicking Save Record on...
  13. Martyh

    'Enter key' going to the next record

    Roy, I didn't mean to start an international incident ... <wide grin> I'll just say THANK YOU again!!
  14. Martyh

    'Enter key' going to the next record

    Thanks Roy it was the first one --- 1 - Tools | Options - Keyboard tab How can someone stop from pulling their hair out?? AGAIN THANKS....
  15. Martyh

    'Enter key' going to the next record

    I have a problem - even though the Form Cycle property is set to "Current Record", the return key (not the tab key) still brings up an 'add' record. Of course all the data goes out of sync. Everything looks fine UNTIL you press the 'Enter key'. I've spent the better part of two ripping out...
  16. Martyh

    Passing Parameters from Form to Queries

    Same sort of thing I want to do the Same sort of thing, but I want the form to initially hold a number (which I am going to pass to the query). When I put the number into the Form_Open procedure, it asks me for "Forms!frmCustomType!TypeNo" which the field I put into the query. I thought I had...
  17. Martyh

    Problem with datasheets in Subform.

    I guess I have a real problem then because the db DOES NOT work on my system. In fact, the first time through it still deleted the entire column of twp data. Still confused ... but I've got to do something !!
  18. Martyh

    Problem with datasheets in Subform.

    I've done what you've suggested, but still no luck! It still seems to recalculate ALL the entries (as opposed to just the current one)... Marty
  19. Martyh

    Problem with datasheets in Subform.

    A Problem still!! I have revised the database accordingly by adding a second piece of code: Private Sub LivesInTwp_AfterUpdate() Me.cboLivesInCounty.Requery '<---seems to take the whole column for ' for revaluation purposes End Sub...
  20. Martyh

    Problem with datasheets in Subform.

    Reversed ?? Thanks for your prompt reply. ... but I have to pick County first ... still confused I guess I just have a mental block on this county -township thing!! Marty :confused:
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