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  1. Martyh

    Problem with datasheets in Subform.

    I seem to have a problem with a datasheet in subforms. I am trying to rush this job along but not having very much luck? Please see my attempts at the problem (mdb) and the commentary (pdf) TIA for any help Marty :confused:
  2. Martyh

    Error 2465 with subform naming convention!

    Actually, I've just experimented even further and found the solution: Me!sfrmDocument.Enabled = False etc. It's that easy !! I really don't know how to read that table that I quoted, and that was my problem! (and I thought that I had already tested that option....) Does this show my...
  3. Martyh

    Error 2465 with subform naming convention!

    Thanks for the quick reply, but I've tried both with and Without the Me! and there seems to be no difference. Actually I am calling this from the so-called parent form: ie from a code module within the form 'frmWorkOrder' Marty:(
  4. Martyh

    Error 2465 with subform naming convention!

    I've searched and experimented, but to no avail... On a form (frmWorkOrder) , I want to “call “ a property on a subform (Named sfrmDocument). In order to disable that subform. Thus far I’ve narrowed the error to: Me!sfrmDocument.Form.Enabled = False Me!sfrmDocument.Form.Locked = False...
  5. Martyh

    Recordset problem

    Whoops --- you are correct ! (whoops I seem to be editing the message all the time) --- the strSQL string should read "Select * into Test1 .... " --- sorry there is an enormous amount of code so I just pared it down ... There are some parameters in the qdf too ... but I thought that they...
  6. Martyh

    Recordset problem

    People, I have a code tidbit that I can't seem to make work... ************************************************** Dim dbs As DAO.Database, qdf As QueryDef, rst As Recordset dim strSql as string Set dbs = CurrentDb strSQL = "Select * from tblLocation" Set qdf =...
  7. Martyh

    Replication (or Not)

    Thanks guys! I now have experience with an unreplicating add-in that seems to work quite well -- it seems to remove all the added fields from the tables etc. Take a look at which explains the solution in great detail. A Happy Camper...
  8. Martyh

    Replication (or Not)

    Hi, I have received a replicated db --- that is all (not a master) I want to know if any one has experience in "unreplicating" a db and what steps I take to unreplicate this db. I know (more or less) what replication does for you, but I have never done it !! TIA Marty
  9. Martyh

    Proper subform control naming

    Beautiful !! Thanks again !! BTW How did you come about all this knowledge ?? Can you suggest a book ?? Marty
  10. Martyh

    Proper subform control naming

    Wow !! Thank you for the help !! It works can you explain in some more detail how you came to this conclusion, because it seems still as clear as .... well as mud --- but it works!!
  11. Martyh

    Proper subform control naming

    Each time that I move from tab to tab I would like to make certain that the data that I have collected thus far will be maintained. thus I have developed an "Edit / View" type. The problem is that I can't seem to get the proper subform name so that I could modify the caption on a particular...
  12. Martyh

    importing dbf files

    Please ! Could I get a copy of this code as well? I hate rewriting something that you've already written ! Marty H.
  13. Martyh

    Looping DAO Recordset

    Although it will be redundant at first, its rather the reverse: I'd like keep the domain name and the user name seperately, rather than the whole email name. I intend to eliminate the whole email name in the future. Marty
  14. Martyh

    Looping DAO Recordset

    What have I forgotten ? I have created a button on screen which goes thru all of my email names and gets the domain name from the Email. This is the code that I've used, except that the sub stops after going thru the first one. I am at a loss !! This should work -->> BUT !! Whaat am I doing...
  15. Martyh

    copy table

    Thanks to all ... but in particular to you WayneRyan you solved my problem --> It was: 1) the correct use of SQL ; - use "drop table" instead of "docmd.DeleteObject acTable" 2) I suspected the "can't delete table while you're using it" - so I moved the code all over the place, but finally...
  16. Martyh

    copy table

    To: ghudson >>This will allow you delete a table... DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "TableToDelete" It does not delete the table for me.... The error I get is : "Runtime Error 3211: the database engine could not lock table "TableToDelete" because it is already in use by another person or...
  17. Martyh

    Query With Parameters In A Form

    Query with parameters - how do you ... MILE .... I've decided to post the written part. Thanks for the suggestion.... First some background: I got an X and Y cordinate... and I've got a radius (of uncertainty). What I need to know is how many of these points, about 60,000 points in the...
  18. Martyh

    Query With Parameters In A Form

    Query with parameters in a form - How? Details in the mdb and text file that I've attached ! TIA Marty
  19. Martyh

    HTML and Database Execution

    Thank-you Pat and Mile ... and others for your help. I found... err put together two languages -- HTML and Javascript, a menuing system (DHTML) and a system called "HTA" to be able to build what I needed. There are a number of steps involved, so if you still want further information please...
  20. Martyh

    HTML and Database Execution

    Yup ! That's it ! Now, is there any HTML equivalent --- and would you know the syntax ? I can also live with a Javascript equivalent ... but I get hazy! :) i know that technically you would never dream of having an HTML piece of code that would generate an "execute command", but in this...
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