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  1. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    Thank you for trying all that for me. It did work but it sets the focus to the VehTop control (index 0) whenever the main form is opened. As long as I click on the Add Vehicle button on the calling form, it will be fine because I am adding a vehicle. But if I click on the Add Perosn button on...
  2. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    I will try that but remember, there are two subforms on the frm_CAD_CallerAndVehicle form: Both subforms are on the same level. One is called frm_CAD_Vehicles, (which has the VehTop control), and the other subform is frm_CADcaller.
  3. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    Larry, I put the Me.VehTop.SetFocus on the OnOpen event of the frm_CAD_Vehicles form. When I clicked on the Add Vehicle button on the form main form, it does open the frm_CAD_CallerAndVehicle form to the matching record, but it does not put the focus on the VehTop control. It puts the focus on...
  4. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    Here are the forms I am using This is the code on the Add person and Add Vehicle buttons. I need the Add Person button to open the form and setfocus on the FName control on the persons subform; and the Add Vehicle button to open the form and setfocus on the VehTop control. Private Sub...
  5. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    Thanks Larry, however, I get a an error Compile Error: Nethod or data member not found.
  6. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    MNewby I have a form named CAD_CallDispSplitF with a primarey key as ID in the underlying record source. The form has a command button, btn_addVehicle. I have another form named frm_CAD_CallerAndVehicle that has two subforms: frm_CADcaller and frm_CAD_Vehicles. The subforms are NOT on...
  7. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    I just didn't know if I was to send it to someone in particular or just post it for who ever.
  8. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    Good idea. I did not know that was possible. It is all sample data other than addresses. It is 22 meg. If I zip it, can it be attached using the Attach Files button below? How do I know who will get it and who might work on it?
  9. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    I think there is a disconnect on what you think I am wanting to achieve and what I am wanting to achieve.... but again that is the difficulty in typing messages back and forth.... the context and detail gets lost. The other problem is that I am only learning VBA. The reason I came to this...
  10. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    ID_Activity is a FK that is required to link that subform to the parent form, which has a table source called ActivityT. ActivityT has a PK of ID. The Master link is ID, and the child link is ID_Activity.
  11. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    This is all I have as the record source for the CAD_Log_DispF which has the following SQL statement of course SELECT CADLogT.ID, CADLogT.EntryDateTime, CADLogT.Notes, CADLogT.ActionID, CADLogT.TourID, CADLogT.Dispo, CADLogT.EmployeeID, CADLogT.ID_Activity, [CADLogT].[UnitAvailable] & "" AS...
  12. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    I put in the FROM syntax that he gave me and it locked up. I changed the The SQL to show name ActionFlgNOTUpdateable. The SQL executes okay and shows me all the fields in the CADLogT, and the ActionFlgNOTUpdateable field I just added. I removed the code as you just told me to. Nothing locks...
  13. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    Thank you Doc. I will try it, and you are correct regarding the relationship between the CADLogT and the ActionID from the DispActionT as shon here. Doc, that worked when I ran it from the Query design window, however, when I used it as the Record Source for CAD_Log_DispF, it got stuck on...
  14. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    If this is what you wanted me to try, it will not get past the error to let me get to the window where i can set the joins. SELECT CADLogT.ID, CADLogT.EntryDateTime, CADLogT.Notes, CADLogT.ActionID, CADLogT.TourID, CADLogT.Dispo, CADLogT.EmployeeID, CADLogT.ID_Activity, CADLogT.UnitAvailable...
  15. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    I executed it from the query design and got this error SELECT CADLogT.ID, CADLogT.EntryDateTime, CADLogT.Notes, CADLogT.ActionID, CADLogT.TourID, CADLogT.Dispo, CADLogT.EmployeeID, CADLogT.ID_Activity, CADLogT.UnitAvailable &"" As ActionFlgUpdateable FROM CADLogT LEFT JOIN CADLogT.ActionID =...
  16. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    Although I understand your reasoning for making the PK a meaningful name, because I do not want to go and change the whole structure once again after doing it yesterday for many hours, I am going to keep using the system generated ID. To that end, this is what I wrote, but I get an error on the...
  17. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    Is this what you mean? SELECT CADLogT.TourID, CADLogT.ActionID, DispActionT.ActionFlg & "" As ActionFlgNotUpdateable FROM CADLogT LEFT JOIN CADLogT.ActionID = DispActionT.ActionID;
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