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  1. T

    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    I just tried using the Ribbon to open the Preview and Print the report. The report opened and printed without delay. The problem is trying to control the report from VBA. I use a command button and the following code: Private Sub btnPrint_Click() DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview End Sub...
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    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    There is some code in the report, but I added "debug.print 'Begin/End [section name]' & Now()" to any code. The timestamps in the immediate window indicated that all code was executed in less than a second. What I did try was to use the Ribbon commands to open the Print Preview, and to Print...
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    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    The print preview page displays instantly. I can scroll page one, but I can not go to page 2, close the print preview, or print the report. (I use a command button on the report that runs the following: Private Sub btnPrint_Click() DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrintPreview End Sub I just tried...
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    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    38 records in data source query. Query runs immediately. There are 2 unbound controls with calculated data. The data is the full path name, and the version. (I added debug.print to the code with a time stamp for retrieving this data. The data is pulled in immediately according to the start and...
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    Printing a 2 page report can take 20 minutes or more

    I have a report in access that when I open it up, it opens quickly as expected. When I try to print preview or print to a printer, the report takes way too long to print. (20 minutes or more before the report prints and access responds to mouse clicks.) I am wondering if there is a way to find...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @mike60smart I've tried to add in Effects form. I'm working sfrmSongEffects. I want to include a NotInList procedure to the cboPreset control. The form does what I want but gets stuck in this endless loop of adding the new Preset. (The NotInList keeps getting triggered because the list is not...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Thank you for that clear explanation. I see what you mean. I am sure my problems with the forms are due to my table structures. If I normalize the data properly, the forms will just be bull work. My biggest problem is that I need the brand and VST details for each track, but they are dependent...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    This look really good except for assigning the tblPType_Name in the sfrmPreset. I tried to change it to a combobox and add tblPType_ID to the subform's query. Access would not allow me to use a combobox to make a selection. I think I know a way around this. (Add an unbound combobox under the...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    But I need the supporting data to help find the Preset, I also need to save the VST_ID with the Preset_ID as Preset_Names can be duplicates.
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @mike60smart Unfortunately, it still presents the same problem. The form is trying to update records that should be read only and, in the end, creates a record with duplicate PKs that prevent a record from being saved or changed. I'm thinking I just connect sfrmTrackDetails with frmSong for...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Yes. I can filter out "Effects" presets for sfrmTrackDetails and exclude any presets that are not "Effects" for sfrmTrackEffects and sfrmSongEffects. I only need the details from tblTrack displayed here, but each track includes at least one Preset. (The join table tblTrackPreset takes care of...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    @GaP42: Current Progress I added forms to add the supporting data and created a Splash screen. The supporting data forms still need plenty of work, but they were sufficient to enter a great deal of supporting data. I thought a few days away from frmSong might give me some new perspective. My...
  13. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    My goal is to store the settings only. I need to know the presets and the track information. I can back up the midi events digitally. I've experienced loss of information in the past where I don't know the preset for a track, or all the presets for a song. Having this documentation helps me...
  14. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Track has: 1. Order Number 2. Name 3. A Type (Instrument, Controller, Sound Clip) 4. A Preset 5. 1 or more Effects Preset has: 1. Name 2. VST (the program that generates the sound, or sample collection name.) 3. Brand (The creator/seller of the VST) Note: It is important to know the VST and...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    I have not been able to link the Presets with the Tracks. I have a number of presets, VST's and Brands loaded into my DB project. I also have songs and tracks. I just can't link the tracks and presets together. I have posted a sample of the DB so far. See SongDB attachment in previous...
  16. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    This is to give you an idea of what a song project looks like. This is only the one screen. On my second screen are all of the VST's with presets. Screen one shows the VST being used but it does not tell you what preset is has been selected. The rack on the right are the VST's being used, but...
  17. T

    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    The confusion is because in the outside world, "tracks" means songs on an album. But in the recording studio "tracks" are individual instrument recordings that get merged together to make a song. There is a guitar track, a drum track, a vocals track, etc. However, a song can be considered a...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Thank you for doing that. I had not yet started on the album part. I'm stuck in the tracks part. I was able to build a sfrmTracks and load the tracks ok but when I went to add the Preset information, I have not found a way to do it. The attached uses a method I copied from a sample database. It...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    Do you add unique keys to junction tables for a reason? (I know I do things just because of my experience, and I'm wondering what experience may have impacted this habit.) Did you try to add any tracks? I do not understand what Access is calling a duplicate anywhere. I'm also stumped by the...
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    Verifying Table structures and relationships

    I've constructed the database table and am beginning work on the main form "frmSong". I had to make changes in the relationships to get the form to work. I had to remove the referential integrity between some tables to be able to add records. I do not understand why this is the case. At this...
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