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  1. Mike Krailo


    I thought it was a counter revolution?
  2. Mike Krailo

    Record is deleted

    If you look at each time you get the error carefully, you will see that you are always on a record that doesn't contain any data. You force the current record to record zero which has no data in it and you get the record deleted error. Simply move to a record that has data, any record, and you...
  3. Mike Krailo

    Record is deleted

    Makes no sense at all. There is no problem at all in your sample you provided, just that you tried to display the current record while it was at the EOF. Why are you closing and opening the record set?
  4. Mike Krailo

    Record is deleted

    Yep, a simple rs1.MoveFirst just before the first msgbox is what is needed to get the desired results. @tvanstiphout explained it well already.
  5. Mike Krailo

    Solved Using a Does Not Contain Criteria in an IIf Statement

    Since "HorizonLLC" and "Contractor" look to be different types of data (company and company type), I assume your combo has multiple columns. Is that right? Otherwise that combo wouldn't make sense. If that is the case, you would need to take into account the column number as well.
  6. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    It wasn't working at first, because openargs is always null and skips the command to open the form. Removing the condition of checking for openargs got it working.
  7. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    Yes, that makes sense. I forgot about the other form too. I would normally just use this from the continuous form, but having it work in both places is a good thing. You're suggestion will work too, it's just the opposite place of what I did in post #65. I have no problem with doing it that way...
  8. Mike Krailo


    That's almost like asking what is a Woman? It should be pretty obvious as long as you don't view progressive agenda's as a winning thing for your nation. Trying to parse it out from a liberal mindset is impossible because they view America has having advanced to a more chaotic place where a...
  9. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    Well, let me start from scratch again and see if anything changes. I'm pretty sure all I did was replace the two tables and the item images folder and let the new app prompt for location of the BE. I immediately got that error showing the passed in info was a numeric value. I did later reason...
  10. Mike Krailo

    Trump vs Zelensky

  11. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    Yes, that's exactly what I did. I got the error because the code was simply inserting the numeric Item_ID via openargs and into: Me.imgItemImage.Picture = Me.OpenArgs instead of the full path to the actual image name.
  12. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    I renamed the ItemImages folder and copied my folder in. I'm getting runtime error 2220. Can't find open the file '43'. Is this what you were trying to do: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If Me.OpenArgs & "" <> "" Then Me.imgItemImage.Picture = GetItemPictureFolder() & "\" &...
  13. Mike Krailo

    Trump vs Zelensky

    You'll get what we give you and like it.
  14. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    I think the main tables are pretty stable. I only swapped out the ItemImages, tblItems, and tblLocations. So doing a split at this point should be OK. We can always stich it back if needed. The new form is frmItemImage and simply opens a larger view of the current image. I added my form and...
  15. Mike Krailo

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    I started working on another form idea to display a larger image after you click on the smaller image in the item list. Just using a popup form. I just started to realize the pictures are just to small to look at when it's needed to see more detail. That's a fairly easy modification. Just...
  16. Mike Krailo

    Should I Learn MS Access in the AI Era?

    Never thought about that little detail. I wonder if they can read the original constitution?
  17. Mike Krailo

    Trump vs Zelensky

    Is that a JibJab parody? Some of their older video's were so darn funny, I don't know how they do it.
  18. Mike Krailo

    Trump vs Zelensky

    I thought he was talking about Lady Ga Ga. Lol
  19. Mike Krailo

    Trump vs Zelensky

    We all are biased Mark, that's pretty obvious. Each seeing the same thing in a different way. Nothing can change that except maybe where you get your info from. Garbage in, garbage out.
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