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  1. J

    Report and Unbound Text Box

    The aggregate query works I didn't add the new field to my report and kept trying =DLookup in the control source on properties. It all came together. Thank you for helping.
  2. J

    Report and Unbound Text Box

    I did the aggregate query and it shows exactly what I want ex. 1st place on November 24, 2024 with John Smith and we matched up 6 times. How do I get the 6 to show up in the unbound text box.
  3. J

    Report and Unbound Text Box

    DCount works but it counts all partners as a total.
  4. J

    Report and Unbound Text Box

    My report shows the number of times I've placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and the name of my partner. What I'm trying to do is add an unbound text box to show how many time we have partnered up together. ex. 3rd place Nov.24 John Smith Partnered up "6" times before My query qPlace brings in all my...
  5. J

    Suffix Help

    I thought notepad removed all formating.
  6. J

    Suffix Help

    I did not know that I copied from here and pasted it in notepad and change num to placed, copied and pasted it in the control source where access changed it, so I didn't question it. My apologies GPGeorge for being rude.
  7. J

    Suffix Help

    GPGeorge I did copy what Gasman posted, when I placed it in the control source of the text box the code was change automatically to what you just posted. Quit being so quick to judge.
  8. J

    Suffix Help

    MajP It worked like a charm. I will learn more from this code, thank you.
  9. J

    Suffix Help

    GPGeorge I think I've done that, go to the start of the thread.
  10. J

    Suffix Help

  11. J

    Suffix Help

    It wants me to enter paramenter value "1st"
  12. J

    Suffix Help

    CJ Can you explain how, I'm just getting into programing.
  13. J

    Suffix Help

    I have a report that show what place a player finished at, this text box will show 1, 2, 3 and I would like it to show 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Does anyone have an idea on how to.
  14. J

    Multi Field Selection

    Thank you for responding.
  15. J

    Multi Field Selection

    How can I get a ComboBox selection to match one of three fields and fill in a subform? I tried the OR operator but could not get it to work.
  16. J

    Multi Field Selection

    I asked for VBA because I tried the OR in a Query SQL, but I could not get it to reference the combobox to, as I am not that proficient in SQL.
  17. J

    Multi Field Selection

    I have a huge problem going on for 2 weeks, I am trying to get my ComboBox selection to look at 3 different fields for a match and fill in the TextBox controls with those records in a SubForm. Can someone explain the VBA needed to get a ComboBox to look at multiple fields for a match? Example...
  18. J

    Count Unique Values

    Thanks gentleman. I'll leave it at that, I've wasted enough of your time. GPGeorge Thank you for the, Food for thought Link, I'll read it right after I solve this simple problem I created.
  19. J

    Count Unique Values

    Sorry, can not post anything. But this is what I need, in my report footer I have a text box to count a character in the Detail Section, Exp: A, A, A, B, C, D, D and using Count() it gives a value of "7" but what I really need is a value of "4". Only count the three A's as 1 not 3, the D's as 1...
  20. J

    Count Unique Values

    In a report Form Footer I placed a text box and =Count([Item]) in the control source, works like it should. Now I'm trying to change it so I get a count of only the unique value, not counting the same item twice. Any ideas? jim
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