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  1. J

    Print a reports using a combo box choice on a form

    Try this... DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportName", acViewPreview
  2. J

    Solved Assigning a label name to a variable

    I have something like that on another form but instead of a table, I just use MsysObjects in a SQL Select on the Combo Box RowSource and it list all Reports. Just select a report in the Combo Box and tap the command button to print. I had not used an Option Group before and while I was creating...
  3. J

    Solved Assigning a label name to a variable

    Cronk, your line of code was close, I made a change and it works great. It looks at the Report Name beside the button and prints that Report and the same for the other buttons with different Report Names. Now I'm off to finish it, by setting up an Admin Form where I can add or replace...
  4. J

    Solved Assigning a label name to a variable

    Thanks for the help, everyone. Sorry for the CrossPost, didn't realize I did that.
  5. J

    Solved Assigning a label name to a variable

    I have an Option Group with 7 Radial Buttons and the label is the name of a different report for each button. I am using Case Statements for each button and what I would like to do is have each Case Statement look for the label name and place it in the DoCmd that opens the report for preview...
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