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  1. L

    Help with Auto Incremental

    Thanks Arnelgp, for the function code. I did as mentioned. It gives me result as 0 for all the rows in query1
  2. L

    Help with Auto Incremental

    HI! I have below table where i need to get a auto-number based on date, each time a new date is identified the counter reset starts from 1 onwards in field IDNos I also have a field SrNo which has PK with Data-type as auto-numbering. i have found the below code and tried to work with below...
  3. L

    Help with template

    HI! arnelgp, i have checked the logic and it gives me perfect result in field NR1 on the Form1. Thank you for the code and helping me to get my project on track. Was getting error,#94 "Invalid use of Null", when selecting SRSubSubType so disabled the below highlighted. Private Sub...
  4. L

    Help with template

    HI! Arnelgp, applogies, i figured out the issue it was not in the coding, but the data in SRSubSubType and Rule2 in both tbl_SRType & tbl_Rules respectively were not matching. Fixed the matching names and it works perfectly. How can i put error handler with a message to know what the error is...
  5. L

    Help with template

    HI! still getting the same error. I have attached your last version. Once you open the db it starts with error. When SRSubSubType is "Postdated cheque cleared", AdjustedAmount is always Zero. The last row in tbl_Incident, RuleId is Zero. It should pick RuleId is 11
  6. L

    Help with template

    HI! Arnelgp, I have changed the below logic Me.Claim.Value = Switch(z > 0, "Excess", z = 0, "Cleared", True, "Short") To Me.Claim.Value = Switch(z > 0, "Short", z = 0, "Cleared", True, "Excess") i tried to do add new record on Form1 with the below combination: SRSubType : IN...
  7. L

    Help with template

    Thanks Dear arnelgp for this. I checked for the 4 instances it works fine and picks the correct logic. However when the instance is zero and SRSubSubType is "Post dated cheque cleared", It picked RuleId 1. I will have a scenario where the AdjustedAmount even though is zero the claim is Short...
  8. L

    Help with template

    Thanks Pat Hartman for the response. My goal is: When the user captures information on the Form1, it would lookup in this table and display the result on the form in field (NR1) This is exactly what i am trying to explain you which you have already explained me back.
  9. L

    Help with template

    Thanks Pat Hartman for responding. No you did not sound harsh at all. I guess it becomes difficult sometimes to put on paper on what one want to express and expect the other side to understand it easily. i know there are different ways to do this, like the iif; Select case; Nested if; Switch...
  10. L

    Help with template

    Thanks Pat Hartman, for the advice and suggestions and yes your time. I have tried to answer your last post. Well to the best of my ability i have tried to do some coding, thinking someone might correct it. Well i take advice/suggestion and try to implement, if it does not work, i will try...
  11. L

    Help with template

    HI! Just wanted to clarify further the steps it should perform: 1) Check whether the difference between ChqAmount and ClaimedAmount is greater than Zero or less than Zero or is equal to Zero 2) Check the data input in SRSubType, e.g. IN Clearing; OW Clearing; etc. 3) Update field "Claim" as...
  12. L

    Help with template

    Thanks Pat Hartman, i have updated a new version with 3 Rules in tbl_Rules as mentioned by MajP. I am not able to put the code together to get the NR1 when i select SRSubType i have added more fields to table, "tbl_Rules let me know if this will be fine and how can i get this working pls. i...
  13. L

    Help with template

    HI! Pat Hartman, No i will not be saving the data to table, but will b exporting the data from the query with the rules set. The txtvalue was just to capture the text after selecting in Option group. (OpsRisk) I can remove this field(txtvalue), it was added since I was not able to convert the...
  14. L

    Help with template

    HI! MajP, thank you for responding. I will not be saving the data, but i will be exporting the data on monthly basis. The main reason behind this is to relive the user to not retype the data (NR1) end of the month. I will do as you mentioned in query and show the result. but i would love to do...
  15. L

    Help with template

    thanks June7 My project is to capture complaints received via email or calls. User will capture the info in Form1. Combination of text fields (ORG & SRSubType & SRSubSubType) gives e.g. "TOP IN Clearing Amount claimed wrongly" match will give me corresponding result in field NR1 on Form1...
  16. L

    Help with template

    Hi! June7, I have deleted tbl_Status, it was not part of this db. I just saw you amended the post#5 and tried to use in the code, however i am getting an error. kindly note i have mentioned only 2 rules however there will be more than 30+ rules. If that is the right approach.
  17. L

    Help with template

    Thanks June7 & plog for the advice. Apologize for the wrong db uploaded in post #1 I have deleted and uploaded revised v2. As mentioned in post #1, i have set 2 rules in tbl_Rules. Based on the type of complain it should be able to decide which template it should take from tbl_Rules. I have...
  18. L

    Help with template

    Hi! i have a small project which gathers information either by call or email on complaints received from customers in tbl_Incident Based on the type of complain it should be able to decide which template it should take from tbl_Rules. I have 2 rules set in tbl_Rules, when i capture info in...
  19. L

    Help to import text file of multiple formats

    Thanks MajP, i was trying to check different ways to avoid the loop, possibly may have messed with the code. I will test the updated txt file with the v11 DB on my office network and update you by coming Thr or Fri.
  20. L

    Help to import text file of multiple formats

    i have updated the code in between the lines. I does not give me any run-time error. It takes time to read the entire doc close to a minute. But does not update any row in any of the 3 tables. i have attached updated txt file. I realized there is no tab space between any words. it is always...
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