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  1. N

    Totaling a field based on True/False from another field

    My database is for service coupons that can be presented for multiple reasons and can have multiple coupons awarded on one. so it looks like CouponNumber CouponDate Approved (true/false) Associate PimssHelp (true/false) CustomerAdvocate (true/false) CustomerCompliment (true/false)...
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    trying to average my HMS

    I have my call length set to Hours Minute seconds that we data enter as 00:06:59 for six minutes 59 seconds in my report I would like to show the average of this for certain criteria but it returns an odd number =Avg([CallLength]) as 800.40 for example so I thought if I coudl tell it how to...
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    Creating a report to show errors by associate

    The subject line is simple the detail is not:eek: I am working on improving my database (the first one I created a year ago while teaching myself access) I fully expect the problem may be in my design, but I am hoping to overcome it. The database is to track and evaluate call center...
  4. N

    Expression builder help

    I need some logic help, I am trying to sum fields if a another field (Accurate/Complete (30 pts)) is less than 30 Right now it works to provide my total if the yes/no button for a certain field has been clicked. =Sum(IIf([Procedure Error],1,0)) now I want it to only total the numbers if...
  5. N

    adding Term date or Active marker to employee table

    I have an active database that is used to evaluate employee call performance. When building the database (my first full attempt) I did not include a way to sort out employees who are no longer active. I know I dont want to delete them. I have three thoughts to fix this but would like opinions...
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    Object Dependencies

    I have a database where track changes is turned off. When I click Object Dependencies Access wants me to turn track changes on. I have no problem with this provided it does not cause any issues. My understanding was that track changes can increase your database design as well as slow it down...
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    Form record lock

    My table has the primary key set to autonumber incremental index (no duplicates) do I need my form where all the data entry happens to have record locks in the properties? right now set to no locks the other options are all records or edited records. would having it set to no locks lead...
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    Emailing forms through Outlook with "CallPilot"

    I have a database that I have set up the evaluations form with an Email button that pulls the data based off the evaluation ID and puts it into a report format. it is set an event on click RunMenuCommand command SaveRecord EMailDatabaseObject Object Type Report Object Name Evaluation Output...
  9. N

    Shared Front End

    First, let me say I am relatively new to Access 6 months self-taught and 2 active databases and I am a quality analyst not a computer person. :) Second, I just found the thread saying shared front ends are not a good idea. :o but for now I have users following a link to 2 separate FE files...
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    Date range from Query not matching

    When I run my query that has a MINDATE and MAXDATE column, i can see the full range of call dates. The earliest date is 06/04/2013 and the latest date is 06/19/2013. When I run a report with text fields of MINDATE and MAXDATE off that query the range shows as 06/04/2013 to 06/04/2013... what I...
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    I Need help with Call length fields (time)

    I finally figured out how to make it possible to enter the length of time for a call (by changing the data type to text and putting a mask of 00:00:00 on it)... now my problem is that I can't figure out how to run my queries and reports with that information. This is for a call center and the...
  12. N

    Reports not returning expected averages

    Good morning I fear my problem may stem from my overall design but I hope you all can help. I am new to Access and programming for that. My database is set up to track call evaluations with 4 fields for number data (S, A/C, C/E and B) each of these have a possible point total. I also have...
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    Good morning, My name is Michael Bull and I am new to Access. I am comfortable with Office products and have been tasked with creating a couple of databases for my office. The first one is working but is very simple in that it does not require reporting. The second one will be what all my...
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