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  1. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    I have (2) tables as shown in (tables.jpg) which have a contact name whose ID number is the same in each table. I have drawn a dotted arrow between each ContactID, which is a FK for [tbl-Contacts].[ContactID]. If I run a separate query using the ContactID # 8311 on one table at a time, my result...
  2. M

    simple query to update another field based on telephone numbers doesn't work all the time

    I have a simple query which joins 2 tables by their telephone numbers. If the telephone numbers are the same, it copies the [Architect].[AIA-ID] field in table 2 (which is an AutoNumber field) into the 2nd table, [1Firms-ADD New to Firms On Project].[ArchID] field (which is NOT an AutoNumber...
  3. M

    Update one data field based on 2nd date field

    I have a quote program which assigns a master JT# for each project. Each estimate associated with that JT # receives an SL Est #. If a JT# has multiple SL Est #'s associated with it, each SL Est # starts with the same 6 digits (i.e. 248168 in attached .jpg) and then A, B, C, D depending on how...
  4. M

    Issues with "0" in report

    Please see (Zeroes.jpg) of a report I am printing. Each line represents when a product shipped and the quantity of the product on each order. Unfortunately, since each order doesn't include a quantity for each of the (10) products, I get a lot of "0" values in report. However, on relatively...
  5. M

    Subreport grouping issue

    I am having an issue with data being reported as though I've asked for it to be grouped on one page, but I don't think I have. (Locker_RFI_5-Notes.pdf) is a one page report when there are only 5 notes. (Locker_RFI_8-Notes.pdf) shows what happens when more notes are added. They all shift over to...
  6. M

    Code to format email message body text

    I'm using the following code to grab a customer's email address which I grab from [Me.Text7.Value] and create an email which appears as detailed in the attached "Current-email-msg.jpg". Everything is working fine, except for the text in the body of the email (as shown in RED below). This text...
  7. M

    sending (.pdf) forms out to Outlook

    Having a hard time searching this forum to see if there is any thread regarding this subject, so I thought I'd start one. I'm just wondering if there is a thread on this forum that someone could direct me to which shows how to take a (pdf) report developed in MS Access and bring it over to...
  8. M

    Trouble with quote follow up report

    Please see attached (.pdf). Currently, I can accomplish having my report printout as shown on page 1. Goal is to have same style report except to have the project notes print out underneath all the quotes. I have simply typed in how the notes would look like but I haven't been able to...
  9. M

    Solved Previous YTD query

    Doing some of my own research, I found the following query which lets me automatically pull up data based on my [DocCreated] date field: Year([DocCreated])=Year(Date()) And Month([DocCreated])<=Month(Date()) And Day([DocCreated])<=Day(Date()) What sort of modification should I make it I want...
  10. M

    Do Not Have Exclusive Access to DB error msg

    I don't expect anyone here to fix my issue, I'm just hoping for some guidance as to what direction I should look to fix the issue. I have a database which works fine when only one person is working in it on my office network. The issue described below does not happen when only one person is in...
  11. M

    Issue with Clients use of Add/Edit form

    My issue has only developed as a result of a new person using my existing database program. My other employees understand how the Add/Edit function works, but this person did not; even after having explained the process. I can't seem to find a way to resolve the issue on my own, hence this new...
  12. M

    Property Sheet Issue

    this will probably be an easy fix, but for the life of me I can't seem to resolve "it". In the design mode of a report or form, the property sheet and add existing field used to stay "attached" to the report or form. However, now both the property sheet and add existing fields boxes act as pop...
  13. M

    Pop Up Form Issues

    My database has a main contact form [Architects] with a Contact button, which, when clicked on opens up an [AIAContact] form. I can search the [AIAContact] form when it opens up in “standard” mode, for example the contact name, but I can’t search it when it opens in Pop Up mode. Any ideas...
  14. M

    can't change anything in query property sheet

    I must have clicked on something to cause this but Suddenly, I can't change the property sheet values in any of my queries. As you can see from attached (.jpg), all the fields under "General" tab are empty, and yet, this particular column has the title "TSDQ-1" as it's column header. I want to...
  15. M

    query stays open when form is closed

    This has never happened to me before. Top left corner of attached (.jpg) shows the (4) buttons which I created in an idential fashion on my main form. The only time the "issue" arises is when I click on the "ASI" Button...the other three buttons work properly. When I click on the ASI button...
  16. M

    Empty Record in subform

    Not sure if this is anything that can be fixed but it's kind of annoying when my database users are looking at records. I have attached a (.jpg) illustrating the issue. I have a Project quote system which aligns each quote for a project (In this Case JT #76925 is the Project number) Each quote...
  17. M

    Change text in error message

    I have a table with a field, [Job Process].[JPGopher_ID], which requires a value in the field. The form I have developed for my users has the label, "By Whom" instead of [JPGopher_ID], which makes more sense for the users. Unfortunately, the error msg that pops up (see attached .jpg) states...
  18. M

    No query results if Field left blank

    I have set up a simply query as shown in attached (.pdf) [specjobs] is my main Project database, [Job Process] is where the users put their project notes. [Architect] is a database containing Architectural Firms that would be involved in the design of the Project The way the query is set up, I...
  19. M

    Data Not Visible In Only One table field

    I have never run into this issue before today. Please see attached (.pdf) I have imported data from Excel into my existing database as a new table. I take the data from the table and have to modify it somewhat to use it properly. One field is [ASI_mfg]which can have any one of (9) different...
  20. M

    When Clickbox is checked-automatically enter text into another field

    See attached (.jpg) I would like to have one field filled in with a specific text depending on which checkbox is clicked. In the attached example, I would like the [Which Mfg] field, filled in automatically with "Special-Lite" when the [Spec-Lite] checkbox is checked. If the [Select] checkbox...
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