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  1. regnewby2465

    Button to open form where ID=ID, and setfocus on a certain control

    MNewby I have a form named CAD_CallDispSplitF with a primarey key as ID in the underlying record source. The form has a command button, btn_addVehicle. I have another form named frm_CAD_CallerAndVehicle that has two subforms: frm_CADcaller and frm_CAD_Vehicles. The subforms are NOT on...
  2. regnewby2465

    Change YesNo Value in field in Tbl1 based on value in control an active form bound to Tbl2

    I have a table named TourT with a YesNo field named UnitAvailable. I have a form named CAD_Log_DispF with source table CADLogT. I placed the Select Case code in the BeforeUpdate action of the CAD_Log_DispF form. As you see it simply shows the Unit available or not based on the value...
  3. regnewby2465

    Solved Copy the Primary Key [ID] and Place It In a Different Control in Same Form

    I have a Main Form CAD_CallEntrySplitF which is bound to table ActivityT (which has ID as its primary key). There is another field in the same table called [ID_Activity]. I cannot rely just on the ID alone; I need the ID_Activity number archival purposes and related tables. I put If IsNull...
  4. regnewby2465

    Solved Error on Button On Click When I Have an After Update Event On The Same Form

    On Form called CAD_CallEntrySplitF I have a button named NowAndSaveB which has an Event On Click. I have two other buttons on the same form that have an Event On Click. They all work fine until I put an After Update event on the form itself. The code for the After Update event on the form is...
  5. regnewby2465

    Solved Place value in field in tbl1 and put it in field in tbl2 using a form

    I am designing a db to be used for dispatch purposes. There is a parent form CAD_DallDispSplitF linked to its subform CAD_Log_DispF via ID_Activity. Works fine. The subform CAD_Log_DispF, shown below, gets it data from CADLogT (linked to Sharepoint). I have table name LocalUserT which...
  6. regnewby2465

    Solved Using Raw Date and Time as Primary Key

    I am very green at VBA and designing Macros so hopefully this can be done without either.... but if not, I can certainly give it a try. I have created database in Access 2013 that is intended to be used to record the employee's activity for the shift. Each employee has their own laptop and on...
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