I have a database running on a server. On 2 different PC's i'm running 2 different forms form the same database, one on each PC. I use the same tables.
I have made a login form that i run from PC 1 to login as a user, i write the loginname to a table. On PC 2 i can check this tabel to...
I'm trying to run a public function from another database (kardexcommands.accdb) by a sub_click function of a button in my local database.
It works fine but every time i push this button a copy of kardexcommands.accdb database opens multiple times and then the functions is called...
When i manualy change the value of a field in a form then the event 'afterupdate' of that field will be triggered.
What i want to do is write a value to that field using vba (so not by typing in to the field)
When the value changes by writing to that field then i want to run a function...
I want to scan 2 labels with a barcode reader and check if they have the same code.
I have 2 fields to where i scan the 2 labels, first i scan label 1 in field 1, with the event "Private Sub LBL1_AfterUpdate()" i write a text to an info field 'scan label 2' then i set the focus to label...
I want to have multiple conditions on a recordset based on a query.
It works well with only one condition (Forms!frmalarms![M]) but i also want to add the date condition (>[forms]![frmAlarms]![cmbodate] And <[forms]![frmalarms]![DTM2])
It works fine in the query (see below) but not on my...
Hello Guys,
A few months ago my database did not respond right anymore from time to time. For instants, sometime when i want to add a record or so i’ll get errors and it is random in all forms. When i then use the function compress and repair the problem is solved. in the begining it happens...
I have 2 date and time fields in a table field1 : starttime and field2 : stoptime.
I have a record where field2 (stoptime) with date 12/03/2021 23:15:40 (hh:mm:ss). Now i want to write in field1 of this record the value 12/03/2021 00:00:00 to calculate afterwards the difference from...
I want to visualize the statuslog of production machines.
I have a table with data form the run/stop times of 40 machines.
Field : NAME = Machine name (only one machine is selected)
Field : DTSSTART is the field with the starttime of the disturbance.
Filed : DTSSTOP is the field with...
I want to manage stock with 3 tables.
Maingroup, Subgroep, detaildescription.
Tools-->screwdrivers-->4x100mm or
Bolts-->Hexagon-->M6x20 or
Computers-->laptops-->HP pavilion.
When i make relations between the tables I can not Add or Edit any records in the query.
In my...