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  1. MajP

    Access Item Genie demo for Organizing / Tracking your Items

    This demo was asked by @Mike Krailo if using an Acess Treeview could you do some of the functions of the Utility He and I have been working together to make this a useable utility and demonstrate a lot of functionality using a Treeview. Some background here...
  2. MajP

    The Microsoft Engine Does not Recognize... as a Valid Field Name in CrossTab

    I have a query that has a subquery and works fine. It looks at a percentage in table one for a given ID and compares it to the percentages in table 2 for a given id and returns another value where the difference between the percentages is min. SELECT A.reg_number, A.epd_type...
  3. MajP

    Problem Posting a table

    I really liked the feature that allowed you to post a table. I would simply copy an Access table and paste. Was super helpful in describing problems/solutions and worked great. I can no longer get it to work. It looks good in edit mode but in the posted mode it looks like this with some of...
  4. MajP

    Scrabble and Drag / Drop Class

    @murray83 started to demo a scrabble game here. I had a class I have been using to demo moveable controls. I thought I could do something with that. I wanted to see if I could use some "drag and...
  5. MajP

    Randomize Not Working

    I have the following procedure to assign random order to records and it works. Public Sub ShuffleTileOrder() 'Update the table at beginning of game Dim i As Integer Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim strSql As String Randomize (CDbl(Now)) strSql = "Select rnd([Letterid]) as sort...
  6. MajP

    Problem "With Communicating with OLE Server" Using Non-Latin Alphabet Databases

    I kind of stop helping people on this site that post databases not developed in a Latin alphabet based database (examples Arabic, Cyrillic), because I run into too many problems that cannot be fixed without a rebuild from scratch. The problem I see often is this message when I try to modify...
  7. MajP

    Help On Locating Text by Position (Fake Treeview)

    In relation to this thread I wanted to see if I could build a functional treeview using a listbox. Something that was reusable and provided real treeview capabilities 1. Multiple levels...
  8. MajP

    Show / Hide Columns Easily in Datasheet

    Recently I had to have a lot of visible fields on the form because each column was part of a detailed calculation. In order to validate the data I had to do a lot of comparison between different columns. So the datasheet needed to present a lot of columns, but that is difficult to process all...
  9. MajP

    Attendance tracker

    In response to Here is a properly designed attendance tracker with a few bells and whistles. It allows you to color code one or more attendance codes for a given dates. This...
  10. MajP

    DAO DataUpdatable not Expected or Not Understanding

    I have an autonumber field called PersonID. In code I am trying to determine if a field is updateable. According to MS I run this test Public Sub Test() Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset Dim fld As DAO.Field Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select PersonID from tblDemoUnbound") Set fld =...
  11. MajP

    Load Local PDF into Webbrowser

    In relation to this thread I wanted to demo this. So I select a report and export to the current folder. That works fine. Then I want to display that in the web browser, and sometimes it works...
  12. MajP

    Solved Find Whole Word in Text

    This is in relation to the demo I am doing using VBA extensibility. Does anyone have code to find a whole word in text? Want to pass in a line of text and search text and return if matched...
  13. MajP

    What is Faster for Inserting Records Single SQL insert or Recordset Addnew?

    I am running a loop in code that is generating values for inputs into a table. Based on the starting values, the code generates from 10s to maybe low thousands of records. I can either open a recordset and do individual add new calls or I can generate the sql string in vba and execute. I guess...
  14. MajP

    Hierarchical Data, Self Referencing Tables, and Recursion Part 2

    This is part two to this thread. However the original thread dealt more specifically with tree views. This does not. The above threads has many links to other treeview...
  15. MajP

    Find (Filter) as You Type Controls (Combobox, Listbox, Form)

    Here is an Find/Filter as You Type (FAYT) class. This allows you to find/filter lists of comboboxes, listboxes, and continuous forms. The class helps create the capability with a single line of code to instantiate the class. You need to import the class module. Then instantiate a FAYT...
  16. MajP

    Migrating to SharePoint Advice

    I have a split db that has a pretty involved front end. I migrated it to Sharepoint and went fine. I had a few autonumber PKs and these got converted to Number. Because of that, I believe a lot of queries became read only. Or at least that is my first guess. How is this best handled? I plan...
  17. MajP

    Bang Vs Dot, Me, and Default Properties

    This is a cleaned up version of a long thread with several sidebar conversations originally located at the link at the bottom of this thread. There is a lot of confusion about the use of Me. or Me! and Bang vs Dot in general. A lot of the discussion on the Internet is wrong or incomplete. The...
  18. MajP

    SQL Editor Add-In Recommendation

    Do you use any third party Add-in or application for replacing/enhancing the SQL editor? This has been a long time complaint. Doing just a Web search I see there is quite a bit out there. Anyone have experience or recommendations? Anyone built one? Could be a good group project. Also a year...
  19. MajP

    Solved Aggregate Query Returns Different Values When a Field is Included not in Group By

    This problem relates to this Thread I have come across something I have never seen, and do not understand. The OP has a table of soccer matches with Home Team ID, Away Team ID, Home Team Score...
  20. MajP

    A Better Solution to Cascading Comboxes?

    A few questions have come up about Command Bars recently. I use this idea pretty frequently because I...
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