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  1. C

    syntax error

    This is giving me a serious headache strWhere = TempVars("DateLimit") And & TempVars("AccountID") DateLimit is "Year([CkDate]) = " & Year(Date) and AccountID is long (autonumber) I've tried quotes all over the place and nothing seems to work.
  2. C

    pdf shrinks report

    I have a report that I need to print in booklet form. If I run it to Word it loses a lot of formatting. If I run it to pdf it shrinks the pages. Is there something I'm missing?
  3. C

    Return an empty register

    I have a form of accounts and a subform register of transactions. Clicking on a transaction opens a form to edit current transaction or create a new one. If the account has no transactions, it does not return an account ID or the name of the account. If I've created a new account, the register...
  4. C

    Query return on alias fields

    I created a helper table for some small tables I.e. tblCombo for color, type, group, etc. So then I use Pat Hartman's Address Book. It worked great until I created the helper table. Using her code to BuildSql I get: SELECT tblCategory.CategoryID, tblCategory.Category, tblCombo.Data AS Type...
  5. C

    Aggregate query loses aggregate

    I have a query that groups transactions together by ID: But when I use this query and add another table it loses its grouping: What am I doing wrong? The addition table is left join.
  6. C

    AfterUpdate double amount

    I’ve worked on this so long that I can no longer see the trees for the forest. I want to transfer money from one account to another so (on your advice) I’ve created a self join table. Mostly this works except for when there is more than one transfer (bottom subform) in the Check. The code on...
  7. C

    Solved Totals Query

    SELECT qryTransactions.TransactionID, qryTransactions.Cleared, Nz(-[Credit],0)+Nz([debit],0) AS CkAmount, -Nz([CatCredit],0)+Nz([CatDebit],0) AS CatAmount, qryTransfers.TAmount, Sum(IIf([Cleared]=True,+[CkAmount],0)) AS ClearedAmt...
  8. C

    Solved NotInList error

    I apparently don't understand the NotInList function. I have several comboboxes so I made a separate module sub called EditCombo to carry out various actions for different kinds of combos and then return to the line "Me.cboPayee = null", etc. Everything works except when the code runs to the End...
  9. C

    Solved syntax error with form

    I'm trying to get an ID from a table and the criteria isn't right. If I use, it returns " = "frmCheck". Dim frm as Form From Calling Form: me CallsID = DLookup("CBOCallsID", "tblCBOCalls", "CallingForm =" & frm(name)) This returns name = "Microsoft Access" ---...
  10. C

    Solved module variables

    I've had this code in my samples for a long time and it works great in a form module. Since I'd like to use it in several places I tried to make a module and now I can't get it to work. I can't get past line 10. I think the error may be frm. Is this the proper way to return a form name? ...
  11. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    In order to transfer amounts from one account to another I have a subform that's connected Master = TransactionID ; Child = TTransID. So a new record is created with a new fAccountID (combobox). What I can't figure out is how to get the new record ID (orange) into the original TTransID so that...
  12. C

    Error 3159 not a valid bookmark

    Private Sub Form_Click() Dim bm As Variant Dim rs As Recordset 10 Set rs = Me.Parent.RecordsetClone 'save the bookmark 20 bm = Me.Bookmark 30 With rs 40 .FindFirst "InvoiceID =" & Me.InvoiceID 50 If Not .NoMatch Then 60 Me.Parent.Bookmark =...
  13. C

    Option group not working

    To keep from dragging things down I have a default of choosing only the current year transactions. If I choose Current year, it works If I choose All, it works If I choose Current year after choosing all, it works I cannot choose All after choosing current year. It just keeps returning current...
  14. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    I have a combo that picks from one of 2 tables so I use a Union query to combine the choices. However, the primary key on both tables creates duplicate ID's in the bound column of the combo box. How do I know which table is chosen?
  15. C

    setfocus vs hasfocus

    When I Setfocus to a field from vba, the Hasfocus on conditional formatting doesn't consistently kick in. Is there a way to do this differently?
  16. C

    Solved Variable not defined

    Public Sub FormFocus() Dim sf1 As Control Dim sf2 As Control Set sf1 = Me!Form.sfcInvoice.Form Set sf2 = sf1.sfcInvItem sfl.SetFocus sf2.SetFocus sf2.Form!Description.SetFocus Set sf2 = Nothing Set sf1 = Nothing at sf1.SetFocus I get a Variable Not Defined error This sub is called...
  17. C

    jumpy record selector

    I have a subform with record selectors. The following is the form on click event: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim rs As Recordset Set rs = Me.Parent.RecordsetClone With rs .FindFirst "InvoiceID =" & Me.InvoiceID If Not .NoMatch Then Me.Parent.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark End...
  18. C

    Tab through subform

    The only tab fields on the 2nd subform below (Invoices) are Received, Date Rec'd, and Check #. When I add a new invoice I want to jump to the 3rd subform, Description and Amount. After entering the amount on the first item the tab moves back to Received in the 2nd subform. I want to continue...
  19. C

    Delete blank record

    I have delete buttons at the end of each item in the invoice (3rd sub form) so I can quickly get rid of a line I don't want. The continuous form adds a blank line and if I hit the delete button on the empty record it gives a 3075 error because it doesn't have an ID yet. Is that a place to put an...
  20. C

    Solved Passing form in OpenArgs

    I want to pass the name of my form to the report it's calling. The calling button is on the 2nd sub form. So I've tried Me.Parent.Parent.Form.Name Dim frm as Form Set frm as Forms!frmAAAA OpenArgs = Me.Name the following: Dim frm As String frm = "Forms!frmAAAA"...
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