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  1. N

    Solved Calculation Query

    Hello, I am looking to have a query total two different fields from two different queries and then subtract one from the other, its working when query 2 has data .. SELECT Q1.[Postcode Area], [Q1].[PR1]+[Q1].[Non_PR1] AS Q1_Total, [Q2].[PR1]+[Q2].[Non_PR1] AS Q2_Total, [Q1_TOTAL]-[Q2_TOTAL] AS...
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    Bulk Emailer using different body texts

    So i need to create some bulk emailing, using the subject and body stored within a ms access table Table would look like Subject Body I want to use VBS to send email using the data within the table, is such a thing possible
  3. N

    Create Output Query numbers in brackets

    Hello, So i need to have a query output the total figures of orders by age brackets as per the below. Number < week old Number >1 week but < 1 month old Number >1 month but < 3 months old Number >3 months but < 6 months old Number > 6 months whats the best way to do this please?
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    Update a cell ref to get different year data from pivot tables

    so i am looking for a quicker way to update some excel workbooks. I have the data in pivots and use the following to bring the data into the workbook required, each year i have to update each cell to bring in the new years results it takes hours to do and its mind numbing too...
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    Solved Copy files from Network to a local folder based on last import

    Hi so i am looking for a way to automate copying file from a network folder to a local folder, using say a table that logs the last file date copied? was thinking FileCopy "some_network_drive\*.txt", "C:\importing\" but this wouldn't copy the last few days but all in folder so guessing i...
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    Have results show on one line per customer order?

    Hello, So i need to have the query show one line per customer order, the fields i have are as follows Order_Date Order_Number Product_ID results i see is Order_Date Order_Number Product_ID 25/06/2024 592572 RRW01 25/06/2024 592572 RYTA02 i would like to see then...
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    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    I am looking for a better way to import txt files rather than me having to select the file and then import all the files are within 1 folder
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    Solved Convert a text string date to dd/mm/yyyy

    Hwllo, so i am trying to confirm a date string and format as date 20231129 would be 29/11/2023 what's the best way to confirm via query
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    Count the number of rows with a number?

    I am trying to get this working i have a pivot that is showing at the moment three month columns. I want to count the number of rows within the pivot that have data which is a number =COUNTIF(Q10:Q150000, "<>")-1 (i am using the 1- top removed the pivot totals) =COUNTIF(R10:R150000, "<>")-1...
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    Solved Remove text Prefix from a number

    Hi So i need to remove the prefixed number from "ACC/0014471211" to "0014471211" whats the best way to do this with a query?
  11. N


    how do i copy this formula to all rows =COUNTIF(A:A,A112911) if i drag it it changed the row number =COUNTIF(A:A,A112912) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112913) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112914) =COUNTIF(A:A,A112915) and so on..
  12. N

    How do I i create a new table of data with set fields from an imported text file that is just a string of text..

    So i need to break up a report that is provided in a continued string of data.. A1215455545444444842121212121212121TTTRTR2TR2TY2212121212212122121 The data will need to be broken out as following.. Record type String 1 Always "A" Supplier ID Numeric 5 XXX01 where XXX is the 3-digit...
  13. N

    Solved Get the latest date from 3 fields

    So i now need to have some code to get the latest date from three possible fields Field names are Phone Email Text, this is what i am looking for as the outcome Phone Email Text Latest Contact 12/05/2023 21/10/2023 21/10/2023 01/11/2023 31/10/2023 01/11/2023
  14. N

    Solved Query date or is null not working

    So i am trying to bring back in a query the results of all call made after another date field or is null, but its only bring back null records, even though we do have calls with dates i am using "Contact_Date" >=[Start_Date] Or is null
  15. N

    Solved How do I add a zero to a number within a databricks Table using SQL

    So i need to add leading zero to a set of numbers within a table that i imported into databricks from a CSV in doing so i lost the leading zeros, the format of the number should be like this 0999 0010 0009 i have 999 10 9 i tried this UPDATE Test table name SET IID = '0' + IID...
  16. N

    Solved How to setup conditional formatting on a form

    I am looking for a way to have the form highlight any names that greater than in characters First Name <20 Surname <30 any pointers please?
  17. N

    Solved Highlight Duplicated Customer in a form

    I am trying to get this to work in a sub form, to highlight the customers number in red and yellow background but its not working, the field in a text field DCount("*","Customer_main","[Service_Number]=" & Chr(34) & [Service_Number] & Chr(34))>1
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    Solved Merge Records together with the same data in both records

    So some of the data that comes from another data source has duplicated records for the same customer i need to have these combained into one query record. I have tried to use the "Unique values" but its still puling the same two records for the same customer?
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    Solved Create Query to add "Month" using the record date file "Order_Date"

    Looking to convert a dates 04/01/2023 to "January 23" 01/02/2023 to "February 23" and so on possible to have both i can get the month only using this Month: Month([Order_Date]) shows as month number not text
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    Query to correct telephone numbers mobile and then landline

    So i need to run a query to correct the telephone numbers within two fields Mobile Landland due to the many data sources sometime we have a landline within the mobile field and the mobile within landline. i need to have access do a final clean-up and move the number to the correct file. so...
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