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  1. J

    Conditional Format

    Hi I have a textbox on a form called OEEMTDMTand it contains a percentage value eg 91.6% I'd like the texbox backcolour to change to Green if >=92% or red if <92% but both conditional formatting tool and vba conditional formatting not working. The textbox on the form has its backcolour set to...
  2. J

    Label Visibility

    Hi not sure if this is achievable but here goes in the hope someone can help :) I have a label "label1704" on a form "frmDayshift" which is hidden on the form load event. On the form is a combobox "combo123" which is loaded with drop down values, when "NoProd" is selected i want the label to...
  3. J

    Timer Event

    Hi I would like the on-timer event of a hidden form to trigger DoCmd.OpenForm "formnamehere" every hour using the computer time, essentially if time (minutes) = 00 then run the docmd How would this be formatted in VBA please? Thanks Jonny
  4. J

    Form 1 opens form 2 to matching record

    Hi I have a form "frmDayshift" which has field [shiftdate], this form has a cmd button when clicked i want it to open a second form "frmdayshiftprintcheck" to same record date as form 1 [shiftdate], form 2 date field = [checkdate] ive tried vba such as:- DoCmd.OpenForm...
  5. J

    Error sequence

    Hi I have a form "frmDayshift" with a cmd button (Command28) and on the on click event it opens a popup form "frmDayshiftprintchecks" and looks for a matching record by date. This works fine if there is a matching record but if there isnt, I'd like a message box to notify the user and then...
  6. J

    Running total by date

    Hi All I'm hoping someone with a better brain than mine can help me out please? I have a query called qryESH which has the following fields:- [Job_No] - Job Number [OpStart] - Operations start DTG [OpStop] - Operations stop DTG [SumOfActHrs] - Total Hrs between [OpStart] & [OpStop]...
  7. J

    Auto Email

    Hi I have a requirement to send a report by email only once daily, this is triggered by the Form Event Timer. I am using the following code which works and sends the report by email after 9am but it keeps sending it every time the form requeries, is there a way to say if todays date is already...
  8. J

    Guidance on merging queries please?

    Hi I'm wondering if someone could help me out with the following please? I have 2 x queries, qryOpStartBooked and qryOpStopBooked (see images below) What i would like to do is generate a query structured as follows:- Transaction ID / Job_No / Emp_ID / Trans_Date / Time / Workcentre /...
  9. J

    On click event & If Statements

    Hi I have a form with a cmd button "Command133" and when the "on-click" event fires for "Command133" i would like codes executed but struggling to nest each statement. Below is the current code for the "PaymentTerms" field, if this is blank the msgbox appears and then set focus to field, this...
  10. J

    Report "On-Format" event

    Hi All I have a report "rptInvoice" that has an If statement within the detail section of the report which is in the "on-format" event; however its not working correctly and i dont know why? In essence, when the report loads it should have either a "YES" or "NO" in the field "RCV", this is...
  11. J

    Continuous Form Filtering

    Hi Hoping someone can assist me please? I've been trying to filter a continuous form using checkboxes and cmd button and am nearly there apart from the filters not filtering data properly. On my form i have 9 x checkboxes as shown, these should filter the query field [FILTERYEAR] according to...
  12. J

    Filter Continuous Form with 2 combobox

    Happy New Year to All :) I've been searching for a solution to enable me to filter a continuous form using 2 comboboxes but without success! On the form are the following:- Combobox 1 = "CboYEAR" - rowsource has value list of Years from 2022 onwards Combobox 2 = "CboCELL - rowsource has value...
  13. J

    Combobox help

    Good Afternoon :) I have a form in my Access DB called "frmSales" and it has the following fields:- Initials Company Name Job No Jan through to December (12 fields) Date Year At the top of the form are 2 x comboboxes cboYEAR which contains rowsource from table containing Years 2022 onwards...
  14. J

    Help with Email VBA

    Hi all I have the following code behind the On Click Event of a command button on a form, the code basically generates an email and looks up email addresses in a query called "qryGATE2_Email", currently there is only one email address in the query but if there is more than 1 email i get an...
  15. J

    Export report to PDF with filename and filepath

    Hi hoping someone can point out the errors in my VBA code please I'm trying to export a report to PDF with a filename and filepath on a CMD button on click event My current code is as follows but i keep getting a VBA Runtime error 2501 OutputTo action cancelled Private Sub Cmd133_Click() Dim...
  16. J

    Sequential Number and date

    Hi I have been scratching my head on this one and still no solution so hoping someone with more access intelligence than me can help? I have a table called tblEnquiry which has an autonumber PK field called EnquiryID What i would like is when a record is generated the PK field "EnquiryID"...
  17. J

    Email with textbox value in message

    Hello I have a form in my Access database which has a cmd button with the following code, what i would like to do is include the values from txtEnquiryID and txtCustomer on the form in the message body of the email. How would i amend the code below, it works now to send the email but just...
  18. J

    Update table from form

    Hi I'm hoping someone can assist me please? I have a table called tblRouteCards which contains the following fields:- Job_Number Order_Number I use a form called frmRoutings to populate the table and have a cmd button to open a form called frmBILLOFMATERIALS which uses the following VBA to...
  19. J

    Field refresh VBA

    Hi I have one final hurdle left in the development of my MS Access Project Management Database, essentially i have a table displayed in a form (frmUser_DS) which contains the database users, the fields in this table are as follows:- UserID UserName UserLogin EmpPassword PCName UserSecurity...
  20. J

    Loop Form Records

    Hi I have a form called frmMasterData which contains the following code in the On Timer Event:- Private Sub Form_Timer() Me.Text33.Requery If Me.Skill_Renewal_Date.Value >= Text33.Value Then Me.Training_Status.Value = "In-Date" Else Me.Training_Status.Value = "Expired" End If End Sub The...
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