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  1. Joe Boatman

    Check the URL before opening a website!

    Using the built-in VBA hyperlink routine is useful - in one click the web page is opened by the default browser. But if the URL is incorrect then either Access or the browser may display a message which most users will not understand (including me). I prefer to test the URL first so I authored...
  2. Joe Boatman

    VBA Routine Returns URL Anatomy

    What's the anatomy of a URL? Whatever the rules are, it seems you can type many variants into the URL address bar of most browsers and still get the site you wanted! I've also found different names for the various URL parts. Thanks to for his dissemination. So I authored a...
  3. Joe Boatman

    Re-building an Access Database

    In addition to using Compact to reduce the size of an Access database, all the 'objects' can be imported into a new database with a dramatic reduction in size. Consider doing this having installed a new version of MS Access or after several modifications or when the database gets corrupted...
  4. Joe Boatman

    Solved The Integer Overflow Issue

    Two Integers multiplied or added together must not exceed 32,767, even if assigned to a Long variable, or run-time error 8 occurs. In the following code n1 and n2 are Integer types - they can hold numbers from -32,768 to +32,767. So if 1 is added to an integer variable that is set to 32767 it...
  5. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VB Routines Part 5 - modVARS

    This is a place for global variables in my programs. Copy and paste into a module called modVARS. Option Compare Database Option Explicit 'GLOBAL CONSTANTS Public Const gcontblImport As String = "tblContacts" Public Const gconPw As String = "MyDatabasePasssword" Public Const...
  6. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA routines Part 4 - modFunctions #1

    These routines can be copied into modFunctions - they support the routine called apContactFetchFromOutlook which puts predetermined fields from Outlook contacts into an Access database table. Because the system doesn't allow more than 10,000 characters, I've attached the module below as...
  7. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA routines Part 3 - the support functions

    This is an addition to modOutlook and shows a function to return Outlook as an Object whether or not Outlook is open or not. 'Globals Public gnErr As Long 'Last err number Public gsErr As String 'Last error message Public gsPrompt As...
  8. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA routines (part 2), Fully comprehensive method of putting Outlook contacts into a temporary Access table

    This shows how to transfer contact data from Outlook to an Access table. Copy this code into modOutlook. '27 May 2020 'Fully comprehensive method of putting contacts into a temporary table 'Requires loads of support functions Function apContactFetchFromOutlook() As Integer 'Import Outlook...
  9. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA People (Contacts) Routines

    Below is a whole module's worth of Outlook and support routines. I've put them here in three modules: modFunctions, modOutlook and modVARS. The first is a simple way to look at the field headings that Outlook uses for People, Outlook's name for Contacts, and how they are used in VBA code...
  10. Joe Boatman

    I'm new (and still shiny)

    I've retired from Access Database work. I have loads of routines that I want to publish in order to help others and save them hundreds of frustrating hours of VBA coding. So in January, I created a website on Google Sites thinking that Google would crawl all over it and this would benefit others...
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