My report shows the number of times I've placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and the name of my partner.
What I'm trying to do is add an unbound text box to show how many time we have partnered up together.
3rd place Nov.24 John Smith
Partnered up "6" times before
My query qPlace brings in all my...
I have a report that show what place a player finished at, this text box will show 1, 2, 3 and I would like it to show 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
Does anyone have an idea on how to.
I have a huge problem going on for 2 weeks, I am trying to get my ComboBox selection to look at 3 different fields for a match and fill in the TextBox controls with those records in a SubForm.
Can someone explain the VBA needed to get a ComboBox to look at multiple fields for a match?
In a report Form Footer I placed a text box and =Count([Item]) in the control source, works like it should.
Now I'm trying to change it so I get a count of only the unique value, not counting the same item twice.
Any ideas?
I have an Option Group with 7 Radial Buttons and the label is the name of a different report for each button.
I am using Case Statements for each button and what I would like to do is have each Case Statement look for the label name and place it in the DoCmd that opens the report for preview...