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  1. T

    Error VBA?

    Tried opening this DB yesterday and it worked just fine. Tried this morning and got this??
  2. T

    View report selector error?

    When i click on view reports it should pop up with a prompt for me to select the correct report page.. instead it does this 'There was an error executing the command.' anyone know/want to fix this for me? $
  3. T

    Code Help needed

    Hi, Inherited a Database for a department I run at a new job. Old DB keeper retired, it was a very old db converted to 2007 I believe. aeverything on every switch board is linked together 😬. I had an issue with the switchboard which then was corrupted when the switch board was brought back to...
  4. T

    Drop down selector code not working?

    Hello, I Inherited a database at my new job. From a retiree long story short the switchboard was malfunctioning and not opening. now when i get the SB opened and go to use the 'Find ID' Drop down menu it does nothing (cant click on anything) I believe there is something with the code that is an...
  5. T

    Solved Database Help

    Hello, I have a database i have inheritied from a retiree. the switchboard had gotten all messed up and i dont know what i need to do to fix it. is there a service that can repair the switchboard and database?
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