Search results

  1. K

    Ghost table in MSysObjects

    Sorry for the length of the question: I have a script that refreshes (or adds links to) all tables (156) in a SQL server database. Recently this script throws an error on tblSupplier_Type. If the script try to refresh this table, I receive an error saying tblSupplier_Type doesn't exist. If the...
  2. K

    Uber With Guns

    I don't know it should go to politic, to watercooler or Other Software section. I only know for those of us outside the US border, it's a strange news. Protector, an app that debuted today in the Apple App Store, bills itself as allowing users to hire on-demand personal armed security along...
  3. K

    Solved Struggling with Distinct

    I have the following query (qryMaterials) SELECT p.DrawingNo, o.RecID ..... TempVars!UsedMaterial_SetCount * o.Quantity * u.UsedQuantity AS Quan, ..... FROM (tblOrders AS o INNER JOIN tblProducts AS p ON o.OrderProductFK = p.ProductPK) INNER JOIN tblMaterials AS u...
  4. K

    Linking tables

    I've written a function that syncs a database to a sql server. It connects to a sql server and opens a recordset of all tables and views in the sql server. If it finds a linked table/view in CurrentDB, re-links and refreshes the connection string. if it doesn't find a linked table/view, adds a...
  5. K

    Solved Why setting the backstyle in vba fails?

    Trying to use the old way of hiding the arrow of combo boxes. I pass the name of the textboxes to cover the combo boxes in form's open event: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Dim Ctrls As String Ctrls = "txtOrderID" HideComboArrows Me, Ctrls End Sub Then I try to control...
  6. K

    Microsoft removes the ban
  7. K

    Solved Find the next first devisable number

    It's more a math question rather than vba. But we don't have math forum, and there are a lot of members who know math better than me. I need to find the smallest number that is greater than a given number and divisible by a variable. Two examples: CountOfRows=8 CurrentCount= 51 What is the...
  8. K

    Need some advice on a simple Class

    Pretty new to classes. Here's a simple class I have. Private WithEvents m_Label As Label Private LabelCollection As Collection '************************************************************************' Public Sub init(frm As Access.Form) Dim Ctrl As Control Dim srtCtrl As clsMyClass...
  9. K

    Adding and Deleting records in a junction table.

    OK, a little hard to explain. (And sorry for the lengthy question) tables : I have Product1, Product2, Product3 in tblProducts. I also have 10 processes in tblProcesses. And this is what I have in the junction table between them : --------------------------------------------- |...
  10. K

    Is this a normal behavior in Access?

    After using Access for years, now I'm back to my first years that I don't even understand how Compile behaves. I have a form with a simple code in it's On_Open event : Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) SetTestMode Me End Sub And this is the function: Public Function SetTestMode(frm...
  11. K

    Solved Anders Ebro Blog

    I have a link to Anders Ebro's blog ( in my favorites, but it seems the link is dead. Does anyone know his new blog address? He was (is?) a MVP and had several presentations in thanks.
  12. K

    Teaching AI

    The other day, I had a discussion with @Pat Hartman where I explained on few occasions, Chatgpt has told me it doesn't have enough information on the question I've asked and can not answer. I had another first-time-experience with Chatgpt and I thought I should share it here, maybe someone finds...
  13. K

    Solved Why double highlight text fails?

    I've had this problem for quite several years. But never asked it. Now that there's another thread on this subject I think it's time to learn a little bit more. A sample file is attached. In the form that opens, there's 2 text boxes. Type a letter or more ONLY in the left text box and hit the...
  14. K

    Where False VS PK=0

    I have a form that has to show the result of a search in a specific order. To maintain the necessary result I have a cross tab query, a result of joining 3 tables, and use it as the record source of my form. Opening the query by itself, shows a little less than half a million records. The...
  15. K


    FE : Microsoft Access BE : Sql Server I use CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select @@identity")(0) in AfterUpdate of a form to get the latest saved PK, without being sure how it works. I've always been uncertain what will happen in a multi user environment. If a user saves a new record to a table...
  16. K

    Solved Need help for a non-updatable query

    I have this simple select query : SELECT O.OrderNo, O.OrderProductFK, O.Plating, PP.ProcessFK FROM tblOrders AS O INNER JOIN (tblProductsProcesses AS PP INNER JOIN tblProducts AS P ON PP.ProductFK = P.ProductPK) ON O.OrderProductFK = P.ProductPK WHERE...
  17. K

    Solved Insert Into - Select

    This is the relationship between several tables: tblProducts : List of products. tblProcesses : Holds 30 records for all possible processes we can handle for manufacturing a product. tblProducts_Processes : A junction table between these two tables. (Each product needs which process)...
  18. K

    Solved Freeze the recordset of a search form

    Sorry for the title. No matter how many variation I enter, google translate gives me the same "Freeze..." Objective: Open a search result form with a specific filter Edit one of the records that makes the record to go out of the scope of the filter Requery the the form, and still show the...
  19. K

    Solved DatasheetFontName

    When I do a SaveAsText on any form, the text file contains the following three lines: RecordSource ="....." Caption ="....." DatasheetFontName ="....." I can't find a DatasheetFontName is property sheet of the form. Is there anyplace I can change it manually? Extra question: When I add a new...
  20. K

    Solved How to get affected records count of an update query?

    The following code returns 0 Affected records. How can I get how many records were updated? The table is updated successfully. Public Function test() Dim db As DAO.Database Dim sql As String Set db = CurrentDb sql = "Update tbl Set field1=p0 WHERE PK=1" With...
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