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    Solved Reports not appearing when opened in report view

    Hi, I have 4 reports in my database which do not open when opened in report view. The queries the reports are based on have been updated but it was just the change of a field in one table to a field in another and the query works perfectly when run alone. The reports worked fine previously so...
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    Bulk reporting

    Hi, I'm not quite sure whether what I want to do is possible but, here goes: I have a reporting form in my database which can be used to select a list of reports and the criteria for the reports. The example below will bring up all the grants our organisation has made in a specific geographic...
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    Solved Access Security Notice

    Hi, I have just split my database and created a .accde file to send out to users. However, when opening the .accde file the warning below pops up. When I click 'open' it takes me to the log in page which is fine but I'm trying to prevent users from having to click the message every time they...
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    Solved Conditional hyperlink formatting

    Hi, Is it possible to use VBA to format a text box control as a hyperlink when only certain conditions are met? Here is a snip from a continuous form I have which lists the tasks assigned to a user: What I would like to do is only format the 4th column as a hyperlink when there is a number...
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    Solved Combo box query

    Hi, I have a simple select query which is the data source for a combo box. The values which show in the combo box are from column 2 (Country). The query results are below: At the moment, the combo shows all the instances of 'England'. Is there any way I can get the combo to show only one...
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    Mail merge query with multiple records

    Hi, I have a mail merge query which allows me to pull all the information I need from one particular parent record on one table and add this to a word document. For each parent record there are up to 3 child records from another table that I also need to add to a table in the word document...
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    Solved How to sort a combobox using VBA

    Hi I have a combobox on a reporting form which uses VBA in the On Load event to pull the values from the reports that I have in the database. Although the reports always show alphabetically from a - z in the navigation pane, they don't show in alphabetical order in the combobox. Is there any...
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    Solved Referring to a control on a subform from the parent form.

    Hoping someone can help. I have a number of checklists in my database which I have built using the fab tutorials from Nifty Access. All my forms have the fields disabled until the user edits this record via the click of a command button. I've included this to prevent unintentional editing and...
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    Solved Run time error 31519 when trying to import CSV file

    Hi All, I am trying to add the facility for my users to import a CSV file via a button on a form. The code in the on click event of the button is: DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, "ImportTempT", _ "S:\IT\1 - Testing\CSVTestTwo.csv", True But I keep getting the run time error saying...
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    Query with multiple inner joins

    Hi All, I have a mailing list form in my database were I need to filter organisations by 4 geographical areas. i.e. UK region, local authority, constituency and combined authority. Sometimes I will need to search for and send emails to all organisations for a certain region or local authority...
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    Solved Problems with code execution following email

    Hi I'm having problems with a section of code which previously worked but I can't see why it isn't fully executing now. Here's the code: Private Sub SaveFirstAuth_Click() Dim OrgURN As String Dim GrantURN As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler OrgURN = "Org URN " & Me.OrganisationURN GrantURN...
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    Solved How to use ME in a public function

    Hi I have the following code in most of my forms when exiting. Private Sub ExitComms_Click() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim ctl As Control 'If record is changed do you want to save changes If Me.Dirty Then If MsgBox("Do you want to save changes?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _...
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    Solved Auto email error needed if attachment file doesn't exist or is named incorrectly

    Hi, Hoping someone can help. I have the following code in my database which, when a payment is authorised, will send an automatic email to our finance team to say the payment needs to be made and will also attach the bank statement from a file directory. However, if the file doesn't exist/is...
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    Solved How to define a conditional string in VBA

    Hi, I have the following code in the form load event of my reporting form: Dim NewValList As String NewValList = "" Dim obj As AccessObject For Each obj In CurrentProject.AllReports NewValList = NewValList + Chr(34) + obj.Name + Chr(34) + ";" Next obj Me!ReportCombo.RowSourceType = "Value...
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    Super Easy Word Merge and restricting editing

    Hi, I am using Albert Kallal's super easy word merge in my database. When I add templates I need to be able to restrict editing of the word document for document control purposes. However, this option isn't available when I add the template. Is this intended or should I be able to restrict...
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    Solved Problem scrolling on form with a tab control

    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help. I have recently updated one of the forms in my database which has a tab control. Within 3 of those tabs I have subforms, one of which I have just added as part of the update. The tab control is quite high so usually you have to scroll down with the mouse...
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    Solved Checkbox not working on checklist

    Hi there, I have recently added multiple checklists to my database after following the instructions on Nifty Access. Everything looks great and the correct lists are showing in each checklist sub form but for some reason, when testing, I am unable to tick the checkboxes. When I open the sub...
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    Hi Everyone!

    Hi all, I'm Allison from South Yorkshire in the UK. I started teaching myself Microsoft Access back in September 2023. I wanted to create my own database to replace the current (unsuitable) one I use at work, along with several spreadsheets. Hopefully, I can create something that works well...
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