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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    I know how to do this in theory, it's the practical outworking of it that I can't seem to get my head around. There's a table of incoming transaction data, to which new records are continually being added. A succession of sales promotion periods takes place. They are of variable duration, but...
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    My application contains a table with contact details for >500 people, including their email addresses - on one of my forms, I have various ways to filter subsets of these records - what I would like to do is create a button or hyperlink that launches a mailto: for the currently filtered set of...
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    Format property in report text box does nothing (I want fixed or currency format)

    I've got a report on which the detail section contains three text boxes with currency values in them - these values are based on a summary query which in turn is based on a table in which the data type is currency for all three fields. When I set the Format property for these text boxes to...
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    Force a popup form to the front of other windows application windows

    I've got an application that uses pop up forms that open on top of the desktop (with the Access window minimised) - except that when a user launches the application, the startup form (a login form) drops behind other application windows. How do I force it to the front?
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    To what use shall I put this fiver?

    I found a five pound note blowing about in a car park last week. Normally I save up any found pennies etc until I have enough for a lottery ticket (I find on average about a pound in dropped coins every few weeks or so). But it seems like a waste to throw this fiver at Camelot - I'm also not...
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    How to print a pop-up report (launched in preview from a form that is also pop-up)

    I've got an Access application that runs from a popup form and launches some pop-up reports - this all works fine, but I can't work out how to offer the user a print option for the previewed reports. The application needs to run in both Access 2003 and 2007, so the custom toolbar approach won't...
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    "no current record" - how best to handle editing within filtered sets?

    I've got a datasheet subform that can be filtered in a variety of different ways (the user chooses predefined filter configurations from a combo list I have provided). Only problem is, the users can (quite rightly) edit the content of the records so that they no longer fall within the filter...
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    Text box scroll bars not appearing in Access 2003

    I've got an Access 2000 format front end that I am maintaining using Access 2007 - this generally works OK, except for having to mess about with VBA references when rolling out a new version, depending on the client Access version. However, there are a number of text boxes on one form that are...
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    Access 2007 - deleted a report, underlying query vanished. WTF?

    I created a query and saved it I used the report wizard to create a quick-and-dirty report from it, but then I decided I didn't like it - so I deleted the report. I went to create a new report based on the same query and it just wasn't there any more. I had not been prompted to confirm...
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    Access 2007 - runtime property changes are being saved as persistent property values

    I've got an application where certain parts of certain forms should be invidible or disabled by default, only being enabled if the user logging in has sufficient rights, etc. As developer, I have of course assigned one of my test IDs to have these rights - if I log in as this user, then switch...
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    yoga therapy

    Spam. Reported
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    Sorry, I don't actually work here

    I don't know exactly why, but whenever I pop out to the shops on my lunch break, I will inevitably be mistaken for a member of staff in one of the shops I visit. It's happened in Tesco, Wilkinson, Matalan, TK Maxx, CEX and others - on average, occurring at least a couple of times a week. On...
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    Interface Design: Tutorials/ebooks/online courses

    Weird - there's no post content. (I'm not the OP - it was Core)
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    Subform AllowAdditions, AllowDeletions not obeying property settings

    I've got a datasheet subform on a tab page on a form. I don't want users to be able to add or delete records from the data, so I set both the AllowAdditions and AllowDeletions properties to 'No' When I open the form and navigate to the tab where the datasheet subform appears, I *am* able to...
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    Datasheet subform - column headings

    I've got a datasheet subform that has a number of fields containing short textual data, but the column headings are long descriptions (and need to be) - for example, one of the column headings is "Default Cost Centre" - the data in that column is only five digits alphanumeric text. What I would...
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    Managing multiple versions of Access

    I'm helping to manage a corporate upgrade of office across a few hundred PCs, which currently have an assortment of Office versions - 97, 2000, 2003 and maybe XP too - all to go to Office 2007. There's no problem with licensing, as we have a corporate agreement - so if we want to, we can even...
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    Weird question-asking spam - what's the point?

    Usually, it's possible to work out the purpose of email spam - it'll be trying to get you to visit a link, trying to install malware on your computer or inviting you into a business relationship with the widow of a Nigerian banker... But I got one today that just baffles me: At first, I...
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    Discussion on transaction storage (accountant and DBA input welcome)

    In my spare time, I'm designing an inventory and sales system - the goal is for it to be the most perfect system of its kind (no point in aiming low). I thought it would be good to discuss the storage of transaction data. I want to get this right... Several different models occur to me: 1...
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    All I needed to know about real life, I learned at the movies...

    When a telephone call progresses to the point where it has met your objective, there's no need to say thanks or goodbye - just hang up. It is not necessary to watch the road while driving, or at least, not if there is a conversation to be had with your front seat passenger. Shoelaces do not...
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    Test for validity of a linked table.

    I'm working on an application designed to be a companion to a third-party, standalone Access application that is not split. So my app will have a lot of its own tables, and these will be in a back end on a server, and will be linked in all instances of the front end. But it will also have...
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