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  1. J

    Unable to Create the accde file

    Good day, Folks, I have been trying to create the accde file for my database and I have been following the on screen instructions, however I keep getting the message "Microsoft Access was unable to create the .accde, .mde, or .ade file" I have check through were there is code written and...
  2. J

    Splitting my Database

    Can a split my MS Access Database work in the Cloud Environment. The reason I ask is that I have developed a database, and having watched the video by Richard Rost on how to do it, I approached the Company IT Rep and I have been told that I can't have a separate drive allocated for the split...
  3. J

    Always Select a specific job title to be the first record in a query

    Hi I want to be able to always have the Manager job titles in each of my queries to be the first record, any ideas on how to achieve that, any assistance appreciated.
  4. J

    Unable to fined Reference Field

    Good day folks, I'm trying to reference a field in a form from a report, the problem I'm having is that the code keeps saying that it can't find the field in question, but it does exist, I've checked several times and can't work out why it is not finding it, I've attached the snapshots I took...
  5. J

    Solved Create a report that resembles an Excel Spreadsheet design

    Good day folks, I have a spreadsheet (example attached) that I want to recreate in an Access report, can anyone help me with this at all, I've also attached an example of what I've been able to achieve in Access so far, but if it is possible I'd like to re-create the attached spreadsheet look...
  6. J

    Read Only Message

    I am planning on splitting my database for multiple users. however I've been conducting some testing on each workstation individually to make sure that they can access the database and view the parts of the database they've been set up for. The problem I have is that 3 out of 7 of my users are...
  7. J

    Unable to add record because of read only access

    good morning folks, I have the following code written on my front end form in the on load event and for some reason when a particular user opens up the database an error message appears saying read only access, and the Rs.AddNew is highlighted, but it doesn't happen for any of my other users...
  8. J

    Solved Synchronzing Two Sub Forms to each other within a parent form

    Hi folks, Your assistance would be most appreciated, I am in the process of creating a database and I’m having problems linking to subforms that are within a main form to each other so that they are synchronsing the two sub forms to each other. I watch a video by Richard Rost over and over...
  9. J

    How to create a password access within Database

    I have my database which has a number of form views and I want to password protect one of my forms [Employees] so that only authorised individuals can access that part of the database, my form object name is frmEmployees and the button the is clicked to open this form is named...
  10. J

    Code to change Date in a field if the checkbox is checked

    Good day Folks, I have written code in the On Current event of my form as follows: Dim CurrentDate As Date Dim NextReviewDate As Date Dim NewReviewDate As Date CurrentDate = Me!txtCurrentDate.Value NextReviewDate = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Me!txtCurrentDate.Value) NewReviewDate =...
  11. J

    Date Calculations/Review Trigger

    Good day, I have a form name Internal Audits (frmInternalAudits) that I have created to track when SOP's (Standard Operating Procedure) are due to be audited. I have the following fields: txtAuditSubject (Short text field) txtCurrentDate (Date field [ddmmyyyy]) txtNextReviewDate (Date field...
  12. J

    code to close my current form on pressing the button to open my Main Menu

    I have the following forms : frmFrontEnd frmEmployees frmInternalAudits frmSOPs In the on click event I want to: for example on clicking the button on my frmFrontEnd form to open my frmEmployees form, that on the frmEmployees form opening the frmFrontEnd form closes. I tried this but it kept...
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