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  1. Rusty

    When is a Wildcard not a wildcard?

    Hello, I am trying to run a query to pick up some odd entries in a rather large database. Users have been keying data into a text field such as "Nationally funded?" and "Nationally funded / Local Charity" I need to search for all these 'odd' entries and can't use the criteria: Like "*?*"...
  2. Rusty

    Batch file to flip screen

    Hello, I am trying to create a batch file using a sendkeys command to press Ctrl, Alt and the down arrow to flip someones PC screen (yes April Fools is coming up). Can anyone help - I've only got as far as: ^%{DOWN} If I was using VBA and Access I'd be more than ok but I'm shooting in the...
  3. Rusty

    Web-based database?

    Hey Guys, I've been working in MS Access for years now but our service is expanding to cover the whole south west (of England). My boss has announced he wants a web-based database to run the show and has given me a blank cheque to go get some training. Great news...only I have no idea where...
  4. Rusty

    More the one input mask on a field

    Hey Guys, Long story on this but I need a reference number field to be limited to either 6 or 7 characters. Any ideas how to implement 2 input masks on a single field. Obviously all I have at the moment is "000000" in the Input Mask section but not sure how to put a second one in there. Any...
  5. Rusty

    Dark Knight Trailer just released!

    Oh my god! Here it is LINK I am so excited about this film! :D Rusty :D
  6. Rusty

    Empire Magazine - Dark Knight Joker image

    Hey Guys, If you can't wait for the Dark Knight to arrive here is (supposedly) the cover of Empire magazine for next month. Enjoy! *Please don't look if you don't want to be spoiled :-) Rusty :D
  7. Rusty

    Tabbed form losing its tabs

    Hey guys, I have attached some screengrabs to illustrate the very problem but here goes... It’s a 4-tab form that’s too long to fit on the screen. (i.e. the user will need to scroll down to view all the fields on Pages 2 and 3. When I open the main form I have the following code on there to...
  8. Rusty

    Dr Stephen Hawking

    Hey Guys, Anyone seen this site before? It's MC Hawking That's right, it's Dr Stephen Hawking rapping and it's pure genius! You can watch videos and download some of his MP3s for free. The track "Rock Out With Your Hawk Out" is my new fave Enjoy! Rusty :D
  9. Rusty

    Autoclose if visitor comes via certain site?

    Hey Guys, I have a client with a website that someone else (annoying) has linked to via his own website trying to affiliate himself with the organisation. The client doesn’t want anything to do with him. Is it possible to autoclose our webpage if the user comes via his website? Rusty :D
  10. Rusty

    Mail merge opening another copy of database

    Hey Guys, Hope you can help as this one's got me stumped! I'm using Access 2000 and run a mailmerge function via a button on a form. (It opens Word, which then uses a query in the database to refer to and then 'automerges' into a new Word document). It used to work absolutely fine but now it...
  11. Rusty

    Delete ALL forms?

    Hey Guys, I'll keep this simple and not go into too much detail (suffice it to say that I need to look into this as a function for one of our systems here). there any way of getting VBA to delete all the forms in a database? Is it using DoCmd.DeleteObject or is this a non-flyer...
  12. Rusty

    Look within text string for a value

    Hey Guys, I've got a field called [WordLink] on a form where the user enters the file name of the Word or Excel document asociated with the record. I have a button that opens Word or Excel and then opens the file...not a problem there as I'm using the Call Shell("""C:\Program Files\ command...
  13. Rusty

    Office Life

    Hey Guys, I haven't laughed quite so much at a website before. Check this out: Low Morale is a series of animations portraying one man's struggle to cope with the soul-sapping, will-to-live draining, life-force mugging, morale crushing experiences of work. As databse designers movie #13...
  14. Rusty

    Christmassy 3 word story

    Well sort of... Good King Wenceslas
  15. Rusty

    Christmas Silly Links Thread

    Hey Guys, Thought I'd ressurect this thread after all the hacking nonsense recently. A good way to while away the hours and get into the Christmas spirit. Rusty :D Drunk Santa Walk around the roof as you get more drunk but don't fall off. Sober Santa2 Drink, eat...but stay off those train...
  16. Rusty

    Calculating across tables

    Hey Guys, It’s been a while but I have been visiting from time to time. Just been busy with a load of web design. Anyhoo, I have been asked to create a report on total revenue generation for projects and have taken it as far as I can, and now need your help. I have two queries...
  17. Rusty

    Customised Record Count Fields

    Hey Guys, I’ve attached a zipped example of the problem I am having with customised navigation buttons. In my main database the form “subfrmPersonsContact” works perfectly. I have exported it to a new database and now the customised record count fields do not work at all – they are in fact...
  18. Rusty

    Unique Reference Numbers?

    Hey guys, Hope you can help with this one. I have a form called "frmPatientID", based on a query "qryPatientID" and table "tblPatientID". I have a field called HospitalNo that is set to "text" and contains the patient's unique hosptal number of 123456, 008777, etc. However, although the...
  19. Rusty

    Deactivating Main Menu Bar

    Hey Guys, Is there any way of deactivating the main Menu Bar ("File","Edit","Insert","Format") when a form opens? I need to implement this for a single form to stop an idiot user from trying to break the system! :mad: He's not doing it on purpose - he's just ignorant and doesn't listen or...
  20. Rusty

    Query to look for previous months data

    Hey Guys, I've been racking my brains on this one and need your help. I was asked this question by a friend who has just set up a database for a non-profit organisation in the UK. I have attached an simple example database to illustrate the problem. There is a table called "tblMembers" which...
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