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  1. Fornatian

    What's your best/worst joke?

    1. Did you hear about the polymorphic tractor, it was driving down the road and then turned into a field. 2. Man walks in a barbers, barber says, "how do want your hair", man says "some off the top, some of the sides", barber says "do you want it cutting round the back?", man says "if it's all...
  2. Fornatian

    dat & idx files

    A friend has asked if I can extract some information from a non-copyright public datasource CD for use in a mailshot. I have loaded the program, it unzips with files with .dat and accompanying .idx extensions. I understand that characteristics of each of these types of file. I am not sure...
  3. Fornatian

    Help me plot the Genome!

    Right, I've just been to teach some Access to some eminent professors at a London Hospital who are assisting in the Genome project (whoa,whoa,whoa!!!!). Down to the nitty gritty anyway. Text files are generated by an untappable outside source, creating results of experiments with three or four...
  4. Fornatian

    BuxHix - Where are you Tal?

    Bux, Wondered if you might be able to help me this one because I know you love your e-mail and ASP. This isn't Access related so please forgive me. I am just starting to build my own website and want to test if I can use ASP to send form data(webform not Access form) to my e-mail address. It...
  5. Fornatian

    Matching event procedures to actions....

    I wonder, is there a bible out there which gives specific guidance on which event procedures to use for which tasks. I am quite VBA literate so understand that you skin a cat any number of ways. I am just developing my own templates for forms design etc... and would like to collate myself an...
  6. Fornatian

    My Size Matters...

    What is the easiest way to get a datasheet style continuous pop-up form to expand to show the records on screen e.g. If 1 record exists then make the forms visible size on screen height = form header height + detail height + footer height If 5 records exist then make the forms visible on...
  7. Fornatian

    Before Update Usage

    I now know that you use the before update event to perform last minute checks on data validity before committing the changes but my question is this: If I have a form with a close button on it using Docmd.Close, is there an easy way to cancel the close buttons execution if a rule in the before...
  8. Fornatian

    Web Toolbar

    I have a pop-up form which holds paths to other files on the PC. This field is stored as a string and I use the followhyperlink method to get the file to open. My Question is, how can I stop that annoying web toolbar from showing on mine(and my clients) PC every time a hyperlink is run. I can...
  9. Fornatian

    MemoBox Scroll Bars

    Is it possible to make a memo boxes scroll bar visible without giving it the focus? I ask because I am building a custom help file for a small application and want to give the user a help file. I am doing this using a table with two fields: txtHelpTitle(text field) and mmoHelpText(memo field)...
  10. Fornatian

    Simple if you know how...

    Having helped another reader, I have a related question. I have a multiselect list box with various names for simplicity purposes. Bob,Jane and Freddy. I also have a fuction that builds a text string from the selections so it returns 'Bob' OR 'Jane' OR 'Freddy' What I want to know is how do I...
  11. Fornatian

    A simple one for the logic gurus...

    For simplicity I have five forms named Form1,Form2 etc..each representing data related to a central record What I have is a toolbar where users can click to open the various forms. What I want to do is: When a user opens Form1 close forms 2,3,4 and 5 When a user opens Form2 close forms 1,3,4...
  12. Fornatian

    Building Text String

    Overview - I am designing a maketable query to export a flat table of geospacial data to ArcView. The query info comes from a Table("Sites") which has a 1:M relationship with a 'sub'table("Processes"), which has a field("Process"). My Question: Is it possible to build a text string which loops...
  13. Fornatian

    I need a date....

    Short Question: Does anyone know how I can retrieve the creation date of a particular file through code. Why?: I have a form where users can stores links to Word and Excel files(or any type of file) as hyperlinks so that they can quick view any correspondance with the 'client' What I'd like to...
  14. Fornatian

    Wraparound List Boxes

    Is it possible to make the text in a list box wraparound so the full text is on screen? The reason I ask is I would like to show the full address of a customer in a list box along with other data that would extend the list box beyond the width of the screen. I don't like scroll bars on list...
  15. Fornatian

    Frames and Tabbing

    I use frames to split my data up logically. Is it possible to set the tab property in access to prevent frames from getting the focus- unless I decide otherwise?
  16. Fornatian

    Conditional Summing

    Can someone please remind how to conditionally sum one value in a record based on the value of another. E.G. I have a subform with a Paid? Yes/No checkbox and a field holding the order line value. What I want to do is have an unbound box showing how much is outstanding on the account. I know...
  17. Fornatian

    Dynamic RecordSources

    I am having the same problem as MarionD. Does anybody out there know where you have to put the syntax to change a reports recordsource at run-time. Any suggestions welcomed. Ian
  18. Fornatian

    Check if Folder Exists

    Does anybody out there know how I can check if a folder exists on a PC(e.g.C:\Windows\MyAccessApp) then if it does exist do nothing otherwise create. I'm sure this iswill be quite a long winded function but if anyone out there has done anything similar I would appreciate your help. Thanks in...
  19. Fornatian

    VBA Relationship Management

    Does anyone out there know how I can change a relationship type between tables programatically. i.e. What I want to do is: A. Provide a lookup list box with the option to delete items B. When an item is selected, go away and lookup whether there are any related 'children' C. If so, give the...
  20. Fornatian

    Dynamic Reports

    I am building a stacked barchart in an access report using source data from a table-it will be a soil profile when complete. Access does not have a stacked bar chart option, so I am having to resort to drawing boxes using the 'line' method and cycling through each record in DAO changing the...
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