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  1. T

    Exporting a Memo Field with a Custom Result Column giving a Data Type Mismatch

    I have the following query that runs fine where SKU_GP_EXT_DSC is a memo field. SELECT Formatting(SKU_GP_EXT_DSC) FROM SKU_GROUP The custom module Formatting works fine. Public Function Formatting(Text As String) As String Dim outString As String outSring = "" If...
  2. T

    Exporting truncating Memo Fields

    I have a query that is displaying exactly the correct results. However, when I export this to a text/tab delimited file (or even and XLS file) it truncates the memo field to 256 characters in the export file. I am sure it has something to do with this memo field being defined in part by a...
  3. T

    I need a smiple Module to do an advanced update to an existing data file

    It has been many years since I have done any Access programming. I typically use SQL but I have some rather complex string manipulation that I need to do to one column in a file and the file is larger than Excel can handle. The problem is that I don't remember the first thing to creating a...
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