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  1. D

    treating Text like numbers

    HI, I have a field that contains mainly numbers, but the data type is set to Text because there are a few records where the numbers have a letter suffix. Eg. Invoice numbers 100, 101, 102, 102A, 103 etc. These suffixes are a result of poor data entry when the data was stored in Excel. What I...
  2. D

    Cascading Combo & NotInList

    I have 2 Cascading Combo boxes setup and working correctly. cbo1 lists all agents and cbo2 lists the branches that relate to each agent. tbl_agents and tbl_branches are setup with a 1 to many relationship. I have used the code (explained here) that allows the user to add a new agent if they...
  3. D

    Is this a good structure?

    Hello, this is my first post here, but I have used many helpfull posts in the past. I am building a DB at work, and would like some advice. The DB is used to store detials on marketing activities. A marketing item is usually (but not always) related to an agent. Some agents, have many different...
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