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  1. L

    Shared Variable not displaying correct value in main report

    Hi everyone, I can't seem to figure out what's going on with my Crystal Report (XI). I built a report that displays patient cancellations. I have to calculate the number of days since their last completed appointment. On the main report I have the list of cancelled appointments. I created a...
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    Understanding IFF in Query

    Hi y'all - I inherited messy pharmacy reports that are written in MS Access but retreive data from a MS SQL server db. I am having trouble understanding what a nasty IIF statement is doing in a query for one of the reports. The IIF statement is used to determine the value of a field called...
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    Order By ?

    Hi everyone - I have a table that contains entries with submit dates formated as mm/dd/yyyy. I wanted to get a count of entries submited by month so I formatted the date so entries would be grouped by month like APR 2010, FEB 2010, MAR 2010 etc. This query produces the results I want - I...
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    Display a one to many...

    Hi Everyone - I'm kind of stumped at the moment and I'm trying to think of more ideas to solve my problem. The database I built is used for tracking inspections on various hardware parts that we use to build our product. I have a form that displays inspection details and a subform to that...
  5. L

    Using OpenArgs

    Does anyone know if it possible to pass more than one variable using OpenArgs? DoCmd.OpenForm "frmIncmngInpectLog", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, , Me.txtPackingSlip, Me.txtDateRecd, Me.cbPart Is not working... :confused: ... unless I only use one argument. I need to pass all variables...
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    Use subform on multiple forms?

    Hi Everyone! I have a question about using a subform on multiple subforms. I have a main form that contains a command button that calls a form that contains a "pick" list of entries. When the user double clicks on one of the entries, the entry is entered into a table. The main form then has a...
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    Get List box values...

    I thought I had good solution but it's not so good after all.. I have a main form that the allows users to select a Purchase Order Number from a drop down list box. That PO Number selection will pop up another form that displays all the line items from that PO. The line items of that PO are...
  8. L

    Write Conflict

    I have a main form (frmIncmgInspectLog) that lets the user select a purchase order (PO) from a dropdown list. After that field is updated with a PO value, that opens another form that contains a list box with information about hardware parts ordered by the selected PO. The user selects a part...
  9. L

    runtime 2001 error with DCount

    I have a table that stores the status of various pieces of hardware. I need to prevent the user from entering duplicate serial numbers so I decided to use DCount... 1. I have created a query called qryExistingSN that contains requires criteria from a subform. PartInvId...
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    Updating subform controls

    I have a subform that displays part information on a master form. (The subform is on a tab display). In the AfterUpdate event of the Serial Number control (on the subform) I have this code: If Me.SerialNumber <> "TBD" Then TransactionDate = Now() StatusId = 2 DateReceived = Now()...
  11. L

    Automail from Access

    For those of you who have implemented auto emails from Access - I'm assuming it's necessary to have an instance of Access and Outlook open at all times in order for the emails to get sent... (??) Is there any way to accomplish auto emailing without having to have either application open all the...
  12. L

    Passing variable between events within same form

    Hi Everybody, I've been searching the forum for information on passing variables but I'm not sure how I would apply it in my case. Can someone help? I have a subform of a purchase order form. As the user enters the first line item, I have to check what type of line item the entry is. In...
  13. L

    Append Query - 2 Issues

    I ran with this idea that I grabbed off this board and now I ran into a dead end... :D I wanted to track the history of 2 specific fields on a subform. I saw an example that used an append query to do this. I created an append query that actually appends the entire record into a history...
  14. L

    Date Inserted as 30-Dec-1899

    :confused: I'm kinda stumped right now.. After the user updates a subform, it inserts a record into another table. The transaction date, which is the OrderDate from a parent form, keeps getting inserted into the table as 30-Dec-1899... how can I fix that? Dim strSQL As String strSQL =...
  15. L

    Design Question: Lookup tables vs. Properties

    Hi Everyone - I am taking over an former employee's database and I noticed he created lots of lookup tables that have only one value listed.... Is it more common to create a lookup table rather than just assign default values to create a small value list in the properties of a control? I...
  16. L

    I want a union - or something like that?

    Hi everybody. I have three queries. Query1 contains employee ID, employee name, hours worked, utilization percentage and project billing type is "direct". (127 records returned) Query2 contains the same information except the project billing type is "indirect". (41 records returned) Query 3...
  17. L

    Help with DoCmd...

    If I have the following code in an After Update Event in a field on a subform... this will refresh the subform with current focus as I expect... Private Sub LaborCategory1_Hrs_AfterUpdate() DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh End Sub ...but what if I want to do the same thing - refresh a subform...
  18. L

    Is it possible to...

    Is it possible to have a subform update it's contents based on user changes made to another subform? I've been trying for days to get the control on the subform to update but I can't get it to update correctly. Someone even suggested I may be "pushing the limits" of MS Access by overdesigning my...
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    Subform Question

    I'm kind of confused... can someone help me? I have a main form (frmPROPOSALSetup) with 6 subforms. The first subform (subfrmPROPOSALSetup) contains several fields that contain total labor hours (for each defined labor category). The second subform (subfrmWBS) contains a workbreakdown structure...
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    Subform Requery Trouble

    Hi - I've been trying a different things recommended on this board, but I'm still running into problems. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I have a main form with 2 subforms. My main goal is for Subform A to update with updated information from Subform B. At first, in the Form...
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