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  1. T

    Advice needed please. Importing Sharepoint Text file into List and Deleting previous days data

    I have a text file, The text file is delimited by the number of characters, This file is dropped into a sharepoint site on a daily basis. The previous days file is overwritten. I have a access database that needs a connection to that file, The data is imported daily, and appended to a table...
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    inconsistent state

    Recently i am getting your database is in a inconsistent state Daily. Seems to have gotten worse over the last couple of weeks - Could be due a to a recent upgrade to Microsoft 365 version 2408 build 16.0.17928.20336 - 64 bit Database is split - front end - Back end for some reference tables...
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    Compact error. Error Code 1206. Unrecognisable database format.

    Now and again when updating the vba code i get a unrecognisable database format error - and can see the error is logged in the below table. Any ideas how I can trace what is causing this error ? Anyways have backups etc - so able to roll back.
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    Refresh Form value based on update Query

    I have a vba update query that sets the Claim Value - which works. [CODE]DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE QryqcCharges SET Claim_Value = " & ClaimValue & " WHERE Job_ID=" & Nz(Forms!FrmCharges.Job_ID, 0) & " AND
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    Getusername function

    I have a function called hetusername, which looks at who is logged on, to see if they have permissions to press certain buttons etc. What this means is that a user could be logged on for 1 hour and in that time the code could check their user details 10 or more times. Trying to think of a way...
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    Can someone please assist with the VBA code Below - Error Message 3075

    I am trying to run this code on a form open - that askes for the search criteria, then just brings up the specific records, but i am getting Error 3075 "Syntax error (Missing operator) in the query expression as per image below. If i click on OK, the code runs but does not recognise the names of...
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    IIF statement in View

    Is it possible to have a IIF statement in a view. Trying to get the below to work, but not being successful. SELECT dlv.Record_Type, dlv.[Option], dlv.Delivery_Reference, dlv.Contract, dlv.Supplier_Code AS Sup_Code, sup.Sup_Desc, dlv.Delivery_Date, dlv.Movement_Amount_Sign...
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    Advice when working with dates on form Between StartDate AND EndDate

    In my Data tables i now have added in a StartDate and EndDate - As per image below. My combo box on my charge page - now looks at the Start and End Date - to bring back the most upto date unit cost - This is fed by the CboxCost_Type_Desc. What i am seeing is that when the end date has passed...
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    VBA for looking up a record between Start and End Data.

    Trying to get my head around this VBA - This code currently works - but i need to introduce a new charge in my table starting from 01-07-2024 - So i need to change this code to look for the StartDate and The EndDate. Initial Code Me.tbRate = Nz(DLookup("Unit_Cost", "TblQCPreRetailSuppliers"...
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    Can I replace Duplicate Key Error message ?

    I have recently changed the structure of my table to not allow duplicates, using a combined primary key. So in one respect i am happy now to stop the duplication, but how can i change the error message so it is more user friendly. Access front End - with Error Logging - but it does not log this...
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    ConcatRelated in a query.

    I am using The Allen Browne ConCatRelated VBA code and this has worked well for me for a number of years. I now want to take the Concat Field and store this data in a new field. - And i am struggling to do so. Current Code - tbInvoice = Nz(ConcatRelated("Invoice_Number"...
  12. T

    The data has changed "Bit Feild" / Cant assign a value to this object

    Morning all, on my recent form, I am getting 2 errors when running the code. vba below - Access front end - SQL Server back end. Me.chkApproved = true is a tick box in Access, Bit field in SQL Server, Default value is set as "0" but shows in SQL Server as ((0)). I get the error saying that...
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    Struggling with Error 3022 in SQL Server Table

    Run time error 3022 - when the me.dirty = false code is trying to run. Table in background is set to allow Nulls apart from the Primary Key Job_Id is the identity specification, set to increment by 1. The BIT Field is set to Default 0. The code runs after TbReference has been updated...
  14. T

    Update query in Access Updating SQl Server back end.

    Graduarly moving my tables into SQL Server. Each day at 19:00 i run a update query that copies 4 fields from a read only database, to a archive table (So i never loose the data) the read only database has approx 400,000 records, so daily i run a update query to store the data for any jobs that...
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    Help with adding new record - Access FE, SQL Server BE

    Sorry for another post but recently started moving my back end over to SQL. When the DB went live this morning, the users let me know they could not add any records to the DB. I have Primary Key Set, identity specification set as yes, With increment value also set, I have relinked the Table -...
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    Convert Code from Access

    I have the code below in a access query to update the JOb_ID fields that are blank, This is approx 600,000 rows, and takes forever to run - i have to keep stopping the query. What do i need to do to convert this, so i can run in SQL Server and not through access ? Thanks in advance. UPDATE...
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    dbSeeChanges Code

    I recently moved some of my tables into a SQL server, with a access front end, With this code the LogErrors (Allen Browne) is giving me a error code. Initially it was error 3622 -"You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecords", so i added SDSeeChanges, and now getting error 3001 at the...
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    Trying to use Openargs to filter a form using a value from a Combobox on a different form - but i just dont get how it works. This is what i have so far. Main Form Private Sub BtnFobDespatches_Click() On Error GoTo Handler Dim Stlinkcriteria As String WarningsOff Stlinkcriteria =...
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    Advice required Data looks like it is not saving until form is refreshed / Closed

    Need Advise please. Had this issue for some time now, trying to show the issue in the images below, when a user inputs some check data - they open up a form, and this assigns a job number - in the below the job number is 89889. the data is saved in a intake Table (tblIntake) and the detail is...
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    Only show queries that contain results, and close queries with no results

    My code below - looks for the prefix "Crash" and runs any query that contains "Crash" in the name. This then runs 13 queries - so i am just looking for a way to close the queries down that are blank, and just leave the ones that i need to look into further. Any thoughts. Function Test_it()...
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