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  1. P

    Access 2010 Date Picker Replacement

    This is a NON-ActiveX based and NON-API based Calendar looking form replacement for the Date Picker control in MSAccess 2010 (which requires you to click on a date field and then a calendar button to show the popup calendar). Since Access 2010 removed the mscal.ocx activeX control, the Access...
  2. P

    Cloning method (keep your source mdb safe)

    Here's the link to the actual cloning script: Here's the benefits of having your users get into your mdb via vb script (text below copied from my post on code bank): Try this method out! Are you tired of having to...
  3. P

    Sample Importing routine

    This is a sample importing routine I made. It uses the FSO which allows you to browse for you file to import. Simple but hopefully useful for you.
  4. P

    Get windows loginID securely for MSAccess

    This is the GetUser example which securely retrieves the windows user loginID to an MSAccess form (or anywhere in an mdb). Here's a list of what this new example does: 1. Simply call the GetUser function to retrieve the windows loginID of the current user using the computer. This example has a...
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