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    Database is created now how to distribute it

    HI all So I manage to create database and now have to figure out how to set it on few remote laptops.Those 2 laptops will not have internet access all the time,and are not on same network.Is there a way to send database updates via e-mail or similar? I read something about FE and BE, but could...
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    report from current data in form

    How to make my report shows recordset I just entered to form? I created query that have primarykey ofr criteria but i keep getting blank report ANY IDEA GOOD PEOPLE
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    form from query

    How can i refresh query from which i created form after clicking add new record button on that same form. (i want that certain lines of data go away from form once i entered some data to certain field)
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    adding more data to table from another form

    I need to enter data to same field from 2 different forms. How do I make 2nd form open already existing data in table instead creating new ones. OK my TABLE: ASSIGNID,EMPLOYEEID,ITEMID,OUTDATE,INDATE form 1 creates all but INDATE. In form 2 i just want to add INDATE to existing data. I tried...
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    Hi My problem is that i can't refresh combobox ITEM in form . I have add new record button at the end in which i add line combo12.requery but it doesnt refresh query in next data entry but 1 after that. Could anyone look at it and help me please
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    Problems with Form

    Would you be so kind to help me with my database. It suppose to do do sign in sign out equipment. I have assigning part sorted out but have problems with return form. I created form in a way i make it but only to work, hehe. What I did is added DANE field in tblINVENTORY which is my control...
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    1 Table From 2 Forms

    My mind just blocked and cant figure this out.Please help. How to make 2 forms feed 1 table. In my 1st form i create data and put it to table. Now how to get form2 to just add some field into existing data ,and not creating aditional ones. (My example TABLE...
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    show other field from linked tables or queries

    Here is my problem. trying to create form (lets call it THEFORM)which have 1 of the fields (ITEMID)(autonumber) taken from query. All data from form should go to one table ( which have ITEMID aswell related to ITEMID in query). I want to create combobox from ITEMID field in query and instead of...
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    Run table make query after form input

    Hi How can I make table make query run when i click on add new record in my form,or when i exit form?
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    Run table make query after form input

    Is it possible to do following: On saving new records in form to force access to run table make query? If doable would you be so kind to write me example code
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    add field to form

    I have finished form created from 1 table and now I would like to add another field from another table to that form.How? I tried with adding textbox and then setting source to table and field i wish it represents ( tables are linked)
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    change field value on change of other field in form

    What I want to do is following. In form ASSIGN(fields are takedate and inout) ,if TAKEDATE is different then 0 then set value of inout field to 1 My VBA knowledge is poor cause i dont think this should be hard thanks in advance
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    OK here is what I am trying to do.Database which should help me do equipment assignement.Some items will be taken ,then returned,then reasign to someone else etc. I need to have history tracking aswell. I would like to get some kind of system which will prevent assigning same item 2 different...
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    automaticall yes/no

    I am still trying to make item assignement database.( same items will be issued to person,then turn in then issued to someone else,etc). Is it posible and more important how to set up yes/no thing that would set yes for each item everytime i enter issue date,and switch it back to no when I enter...
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    Merge fields

    How can I merge 4 fields from 1 table into new field which will look like: field1,firld2,field3,field4 pls help
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    query results minus query results = new query?

    I used to queries ,1 to get items that are taken ( its all about sign in sign out for equipment) and other query is list of all items. How can i make 3rd query which will give me all but taken items from query1? (of course items from query 1 are in query2) thx in advance
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    query oh query

    my database should track who sign for which item and dates of signing and turning in. 1st table employees fields: name,etc 2nd table Items fields:description,make,model,etc 3rd table assign fields:EmployeeID,ItemID,assigndate,returndate. I need to be able to do history check aswell...
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    remove from list

    i have item assignement db with 3 tables ,employees,items and assign. On my form u chose from combo box item u want to assign to certain person and enter date when it is assigned. Now in my assign table i have takedate and returndate fields. Is it posible to remove from combo box items that...
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    starting new database

    I am new in this and would appreciate any help. Here is what i have to do.Have 2 tables ,employees and equipment. People form table1 are signing for equipment from table2.After certain time they turn that equipment and some1 else is getting it. Should i make 3rd table with only signin and...
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    report from picture

    I have scanned document which i wanna to use as my report template,Of course will take data from my And also is it possible to make report from excell spreadsheet?(import how it looks in excell,not actual data)
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