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    Sanitizing number field on form

    Hi. I have numeric field (price) on form which sometimes needs sanitizing because values are pasted from different sources. I have working function for that, it checks if decimal separator is correct, removes any text parts (€ signs for example) etc. Problem is that i can't figure out which...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    I have a bit of struggle with delete events. I have table that consist filepaths and filenames. I need to delete those corresponding files (actually moved, but not relevant) if that record is deleted. if i use before delete event, user might cancel the operation but files are getting deleted. if...
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    Solved ESC key behavior in reports

    Does anyone know keyboard shortcut to close report? If my report is in print view, the ESC key works, but in report view, it doesn' t. What am i missing here?
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    Hi, Need a little help here if somebody have experience with manipulating Outlook via VBA in Access. What i need is sub that gets date and time from a form and opens email message received at that specific date and time. Problem is, my sub works, but not always. In Some cases it opens the right...
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    Joined queries and no records problem

    I have two queries that collect and join data from different tables. Lets call them qry1 and qry2.Those two queries have no criteria and always return data. Now I have a third query based on that two queries that joins these two queries for a report. Report is launched from a form where user...
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    Joined queries and no records problem

    I have two queries that collect and join data from different tables. Lets call them qry1 and qry2.Those two queries have no criteria and always return data. Now I have a third query based on that two queries that joins these two queries for a report. Report is launched from a form where user...
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    Cannot delete record in query with left join

    I have query, with left join, that just checks some values are matching or not and adds one field to query result that contains "match" or "no match" (iif is null expression). Query itself contains other fields too which are editable. Problem is i cannot delete record through this query...
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    Form for entering criteria

    Hi, Here´s my problem. I have a form that contains unbound textboxes, comboboxes and a button that runs query. The query criteria fields are linked to the textboxes/comboboxes on the form so the user can enter a criteria. In criteria i use -Like "*" & [textbox] & "*"- so if the textbox is left...
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    Need help with query join

    I have two querys with same number of fields and same field names. [BudgetNumber] txt [CostCategoryCode] number [TotalSum] number I need a query that calculates balance between these two querys. It should look like this, BudgetNumber (match with both querys), CostCategoryCode- all codes that...
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    Hi! Does anyone know where are located those icons that are used in templates? I took a picture of one for you to understand what i mean. I see them lots in projects but i just wonder how to add on in my own project.
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    Binding query to textbox

    Hi, Here´s my problem: I have working form of Invoices (linked to tblInvoices) and I want the InvoiceNr to be checked if it exists in tblSomeTable. The check should be performed every time i move to next record on form (next invoice). If the invoice exists the text (txtbox or label, not msgbox)...
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    Need help with db structure

    OK, this´s what i need to do. I want to create a budget managing db. It should contain fields Budget nr (unique), Object (may repeat), Subcategory (must be unique for every Object), Product, Amount, Price. What i want the result to be, is a form where the 1-st three fields are comboboxes and the...
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