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    One week into Donald Trump's presidency the CIA quietly announces this. "WASHINGTON (AP) — The CIA now believes the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic most likely originated from a laboratory, according to an assessment released Saturday that points the finger at China even while...
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    McDonald's unveils first automated location

    As predicted raising the Minimum Wage would actually hurt low-income workers. "Customers can fully avoid interacting with any humans during their order and pickup." Get used to no toilets also, after you consume that high-calorie fast junk food in your car, you will no longer have a...
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    How Does Weed Effect Tourettes?

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    Microsoft PowerToys for Windows 10

    Remember PowerToys? Microsoft has updated the old PowerToys app :D Here is a review of PowerToys
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    The Star Trek Operating System

    This looks pretty cool, especially if you're a Trekkie
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    Happy Mother's Day

    Happy Mothers day to all the ladies!
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    The Federal Reserve System explained in 8-minutes

    Mark Dice discusses The Federal Reserve
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    Top 7 signs you're a Programmer

    A funny take on programmers.
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    Building a 5 Acre Pond!

    Pond build series in Alabama, pretty cool!
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    Super Moon

    These pictures were taken at the Seal Beach pier, my cell phone doesn't really capture how big the moon was tonight.
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    UK vs USA BBQ

    Does the UK use TirTip roast for BBQ?
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    "Introduction to VScripting"

    The tutorial below covers VScripting for CS:GO and the Valve Hammer Editor but it also applies to many other popular games found on steam. I have been following this young man for many years now and find him to be very knowledgeable in game coding. If you like this sort of thing try and make to...
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    Fry's electronics out of business

    Fry's was one of the first big box computer stores to open in Southern California. Before Amazon and Newegg got huge, you could walk into a Fry's and spend half the day just browsing. I included some stock photos of Fry's to show just how crazy this place was. R.I.P. Fry's More Pictures
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    How will this help?

    I suspect most seniors in the USA will need to get in line behind these new arrivals for vaccines.:unsure: Will the new arrivals be eligible for stimulus relief? Of course not. ;) They just want to work, but doesn't most Americans? U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
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    Nashville Bombing

    Sorry, but you knew this topic was coming. :cool: One thing we know about the bombing is the bomber did not target people directly. Was the AT&T Data Center in Nashville the real target? Some speculation online is this data center has connections to the NSA. One of the effects of the bombing...
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    Surprised Twitter allowed this

    Even crazy Nancy agreed with The President. This Bill is a pork fest for liberal pet projects that could not get past in any other legislation.
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    Will CNN continue to post Covid-19 death counts? 💀

    CNN has not posted a Donald Trump death count for at least 5-6 days. Will they continue this tactic if Biden is elected?
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    Will DJT be re-elected?

    My gut feeling is no, what do you think?
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    Peaceful Transition Of Power

    First lets discuss President Obama's "peaceful transition of power." President Obama used a corrupt FBI to setup an incoming President. There is little doubt Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and a complicit news media did not know they were breaking the law with illegal surveillance of a presidential...
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