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  1. L

    Help to Sum a field on a Continuous Form

    Hi and Good evening to all, i am trying to total a particular field [Field_Y] and show it on a Form footer, getting an error msg on control source =Sum([Field_Y]) what am i doing wrong or is there a better way to do it through vba Thanks Mahesh
  2. L

    Help with count of rows

    HI all i am working on automating the recon process which is coming out from the source file. It with three tabs a) DataSource b) Summary c) Recon DataSource is the actual data for a particular date with 40+ columns a) I am able to get code for unique Names based on the account in column (D...
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    Help to create table based on query date prompt

    Hi! All I am trying to create a Temp Table based on date prompt (busStartDate & busEndDate) using something similar vba code Currently the below code is to export data into excel, while i am looking to create Table in the same db My table to be created is TempError from tbl_DispatchDetails and...
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    Solved Help on blank Email body

    HI! i have previously got a solution here which was working fine. Recently without any warning the email body content shows blank. However the email address is correct assigned. Not sure why the body contents are not displayed. I am sharing the previous vba code Private Sub send_mail_Click()...
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    Solved Help on Select code on combobox

    HI All I have 4 combo box as shown in image Org : BankId : CBKACName : CBKACName_cbk : Based on 1st and 2nd combo box inputs the 3rd and 4th combo box gets updated. i have put the below Afterupdate code Private Sub BankId_AfterUpdate() Me!BankName = Me.BankId.Column(2)...
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    Solved Help to avoid duplicate in two tables

    HI! all I am trying to avoid duplicate data entry in two tables. I have tables called tbl_Incident and tbl_Master Below is the before update code on field MICR in tbl_Incident Private Sub MICR_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Dim strMICR As String strMICR = Me.MICR If...
  7. L

    Help with button to prompt on form

    HI! all, I have form with button on click event with below code Private Sub Command95_Click() On Err GoTo Park Dim rec As Recordset Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef Dim IncidentId As Integer Set qdef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qry_Voucher") qdef.Parameters("Entry Id").Value...
  8. L

    Help with Variant

    HI! all I hope everyone is safe and sound, i have the below code on variant, how can i improve the code when i have say 10 variants and and 10 different ControlSource and other logic remains the same. Can anyone help with to provide me a better solution. I had the below code from my earlier...
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    Solved Help with highlighting cells

    Hello everyone i am stuck with the below vba code. This code helps me to highlight a single column, however, i am trying to give it a range in s1 as "A1:AX100" and it gives me an error. Below is the code and any suggestions. Sub HighlightCells() Dim s1 As Worksheet, s2 As Worksheet Dim...
  10. L

    Help to import variable file with date in file name

    HI all I am trying to import two text files on daily basis, the files have date in its name, however the date is not today's date and can be any other dates, for e.g. as below outwardsort_250620 onussort_250620 Below is the code which is working if the date is current date. How can i amend...
  11. L

    Help to populate value from Main form to sub form

    HI! i have Main form which has subfrmProduct_2_ and another frm_SOL attached to it. i want the user to update subfrmProduct_2 by looking into the form, " frm_SOL" for the related value. i am the below code on afterupdate on subfrmProduct_2, but i am getting error Private Sub...
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    Solved Help with Select Case

    HI! all i am trying to use the below select statement to auto-fill the data if it meets the criteria. User will select SOLid from combobox dropdown and IDSRef field will get auto-filled from unbound fields (txtPQR....etc) Below is my statement Private Sub SOLid_AfterUpdate() Select Case...
  13. L

    Solved Help to Split field to new column and multiple rows

    HI! All, Hope everyone over here are safe. I have a table with 4fields: MachineId; AccountNos; TransactionRef; and MICR_Line i want to split the MICR_Line field into multiple rows keeping the MachineId; AccountNos & TransactionRef field constant. MICR_Line text contains below details...
  14. L

    Help with Syntax error in string in query expression

    HI! i am trying to open another form from main form on double click but getting below error Syntax error in string in query expression 'MICR_ndt = 'xxxxx' Private Sub lstResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_1stResults_DblClick Dim IDnr As String Dim stDocName As String...
  15. L

    Help with Export to Excel

    Hi! all I have form linked to a table which has tables/queries listed in it. Its on-click event exports the data in excel format. No problem here. The issue is when the query has parameter with date prompt the on-click event fails. Below is the error msg. "Run-time error 3061" Too few...
  16. L

    Help with different Dlookup with 3 criteria

    HI! This has been raised numerous time with solutions, but i am still confused on how to apply to my db. I am looking to validate my input based on 3 criteria's. I one of them don't match the status flag should be "UnMatch" To give brief background of my db: my db has "tbl_Master" which will...
  17. L

    Help to link subform to subform

    HI! all i have one main form with two subforms within it. i have managed to link 2nd subform to Main form by Link Master Fields & Link Child Fields. However i am struggling to link 2nd subform to 3rd subform Any suggestions. Below are the 3 forms in my db MainForm frmVisit PK...
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    Help with Dlookup with 3 criteria

    Hi! all Tried to search the net, but unable to find this. Below 3 fields which I am trying to capture. On the before update event it should match all the below 3 details for the given Entry_Date(if one of them is not matching it should not capture and a pop-up alert msg of the mis-match The...
  19. L

    Help with Auto Incremental

    HI! I have below table where i need to get a auto-number based on date, each time a new date is identified the counter reset starts from 1 onwards in field IDNos I also have a field SrNo which has PK with Data-type as auto-numbering. i have found the below code and tried to work with below...
  20. L

    Help with template

    Hi! i have a small project which gathers information either by call or email on complaints received from customers in tbl_Incident Based on the type of complain it should be able to decide which template it should take from tbl_Rules. I have 2 rules set in tbl_Rules, when i capture info in...
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