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  1. 1

    Add multiple records to same table from subform

    Ok I’ve got it to ad 32 records for the blade ID'd field and display them in a subform in datasheet view. But there may only be 10 blades. That’s 22 records that will never be used. I need the subform in single form view with unbound text boxes to create a row in table 2 with its contents...
  2. 1

    Add multiple records to same table from subform

    Any one? Ive attached a mock db if it hepls.
  3. 1

    Add multiple records to same table from subform

    Ok where to begin, I’ve only started using Access 2010 since the beginning of January and have google’d almost every problem to date. This forum has been a gold mine of help but after days of searching I cannot find a solution for this problem . So I’m hoping you guys can help. Some...
  4. 1

    Hi All!

    Hi everyone! My name is Andrew and I work in the aerospace industry. I have been working on developing several Access db's for the last month to support our departments needs. Prior to this I have had no training or experience with Access and just to make things interesting our IT department...
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