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  1. M

    Tracking time spent on customers records based on date of entry

    I have two tables, One table containes customer name, etc., tblcustomers the other table contains the tbltimelog, log of activity start time end time. No issues. I want to generate a form based on the dateofentry for the time record. I am not able to get a summary lets say I spent 20 hours on...
  2. M

    3061 Too few parameters. Expected 1 Microsoft Access 2010

    I have a problem I can't resolve. I get an error 3061 Too few parameters. Expected 1. Microsfot Access 2010. I can put a regular date in and it works but I have chose to have the user to input the date in a txt box. Here is the sql SELECT qryhourmin.[The Minutes], qryhourmin.Starttime...
  3. M

    Subform to Filter based on Date selected on main form

    Microsoft Access 2010 Form Question. I have a subform frmemployeehistory located on the main form. I have the employee history listed for the day. I need to allow the employee to select a different date This sounds simple but when I select a different date i get the #Name? error on the subform...
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